
Well Known Member
I propose, since no bbq this year, that all vaf members wear a VAF hat or shirt (hopefully vans and avery will have stock for those that dont have one yet)

When you are walking around and you see a VAF hat or shirt, just stop for 2 minutes and say hey to your fellow builders at osh.

I have been here (VAF) going on two years and have met and emailed dozens of great people, and got so much help with things from complete strangers it is amazing. We are all busy and rushed...just a quick Hey, and introduction would be great. I couldnt even begin to list all the folks from here i would like to meet and say thanks to... would be a shame to pass by or sit on the flight line 5 feet away and not even know who you are. Last year i got my wife to take a picture of me standing infront of DAN C's plane, i was actually excited. Funny hey? No Dan to be found, but for all us that have learned to build over the net... a quick hey, and a handshake would be a small way to let some of you know your time and help has been very appreciated by us newbies.

To Bob C and other not going, but that have given me your time...sorry, hope to meet you down the road. Hopefully the summer is good to you. Thanks.
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I'll have my supply of VAF and Rivetbangers shirts and hats to wear...make sure to say hi to anyone wearing RB shirts too!! Many RBer's are also members here...