Special Delivery

Well Known Member

Tue, Mar 6, 2012. 1215z
How many times do you think the RV-1 prototype will ever be parked next to your RV? Yeah, I was guessing the same number. Danny called the other night and said it was in his hanger (I rent a corner from him). It was there over the weekend so he could deliver it down to GLO Custom paint shop for some touchup starting Monday morning early. After the kids got off to school I made a special trip out just to get a photo for my scrapbook.
I sat in it one more time (still small). That it's almost exactly the same age as me gives me big smile. The date on the data plate shows 8-16-65 (eight days before I was born). It also makes me smile knowing my kid's signature is on the baffle under that cowl. On the left side. /dr

Great Story, Doug! - ...and it sure would make a nice addition to the "Meet a Friend" of the RV-1 segment on the RV-1 website!

"Meet a Friend" is a new segment on the RV-1 website - a place where we hope vendors, volunteers and visitors will come together and share a personal experience, a thought, or just a few words. The RV-1 restoration, tour, and arrival at AirVenture are the fruits - the "real" story is within the community that made it all happen - yes, YOUR stories... stories that only YOU can share. And don't be concerned about spelling, typos, etc., Glen has offered to proof before publishing.
Here's a link to Larry Pardue's comments, the first in what we hope is a long series.

Email your story/remarks to:
[email protected]

And while we're here, our RV-1 webmaster and guru, Glen Salmon (VAF- Humptybump), deserves special acknowledgement and Thanks for his work on the website. Glen completely re-worked the original website and developed a 'feature rich' website that's also PDA and smart phone friendly. The "Meet a Friend" segment was Glen's latest creation, and he continues to add new features almost daily. Thanks, Glen!
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Bump & reminder... "Meet a Friend" on the RV-1 website

YOU are a significant part of the RV-1's history! - Vendors, Volunteers, Supporters, and the Community at large. Won't you please share a story or just a few words about the RV-1 and what it means to you, an experience it provided, or just a personal observation. Friends should share, don't you think?... and Friends of the RV-1 certainly have lots to share! Visit the RV-1 website and 'Meet a Friend' of the RV-1... Here's a link to Larry Pardue's comments, the first in what we hope is a long series.

Email your story/remarks to:
[email protected]

Have a great day!
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Ernie, I have a Q for you ...

I noted that on the RV-1's data plate it's listed as serial number 171. Whazzup with that?

I thought that this was the FIRST RV-1. Apparently not. There are 170 others before this one, lurking out there just waiting to be discovered ... :D
Ernie, I have a Q for you ...

I noted that on the RV-1's data plate it's listed as serial number 171. Whazzup with that?

I thought that this was the FIRST RV-1. Apparently not. There are 170 others before this one, lurking out there just waiting to be discovered ... :D

Dang - that is a question I keep meaning to ask Van! Someone should have brought that one up on the Webinar.....I have reviewed all the documents, and haven't come up with an obvious answer yet....
Ernie, I have a Q for you ...

I noted that on the RV-1's data plate it's listed as serial number 171. Whazzup with that?

I thought that this was the FIRST RV-1. Apparently not. There are 170 others before this one, lurking out there just waiting to be discovered ... :D

Dang - that is a question I keep meaning to ask Van! Someone should have brought that one up on the Webinar.....I have reviewed all the documents, and haven't come up with an obvious answer yet....

The original Stits serial number was 8555...so no clues there!
Ernie, I have a Q for you ...

I noted that on the RV-1's data plate it's listed as serial number 171. Whazzup with that?

I thought that this was the FIRST RV-1. Apparently not. There are 170 others before this one, lurking out there just waiting to be discovered ... :D

Here's the answer...
Van's birthday is on the 17th... and he prefixed his b/d to the model (-1), hence S/N 171.