
Well Known Member
It just dawned on me. There are a bunch of folks out there that probably have a favorite recipe that they are famous for.

Here's the pitch.......Could we talk D.R. into doing a cookbook and have everyone submit their infamous one or two of those "I can cook this better than you recipe".

Wadda ya think????

The timing for this thread couldn't be more perfect to make me laugh. We headed out to do some laps yesterday. I told the tower that "22 Charlie" was ready to go at 18. The tower responded that "22 Cookie" was cleared for take-off.

Not that I think my cookies are better than any others, but I think it would be a fitting addition. Plus, the Georgetown tower even gave it a name for me! Better start baking for LOE...

But seriously folks......Should this be allowed to die or would the crowd out there like to share their favorite recipe so there could be a VAF cookbook?

Since folks are coming back from OSH, I suspect there are some good grilling recipes (and stories).

What about it?
Funny thing....

......since we recently purchased a Primo ceramic grill and cook with charcoal lump. (www.primogrill.com)

RV recipes? Years ago one of the automotive magazines put food on an engine, wrapped in foil and got it cooked while they drove!:D Maybe we could cook "on-the-fly".:)

Good idea,
Great idea

Hi Webb,

Great idea! I've a Texas style chili (extra meat and NO beans) recipe I'd be willing to donate if this gets organized.

Chili Man
if you guy's are serious

about this, I'm in. I've learned a few things in life (at 47)...and one of them is FOOD. I dont have the time to lead the whole thing but I can sure find the time to make the food great!....More on this if it progresses..But be warned, I'm a high end eater:D.......Sooo who's in?

-7a emp done
wings a commin (I dont mean chicken wings):eek:
but I could point ya in the right direction:p
If you guys are serious about it & want to have it published in 'pro' form, there's a publisher here in MS that specializes in 'special interest' cookbooks. Some of you probably have some in your house. Look up Quail Ridge Press & their 'Best of the Best' series, sold on QVC & in airports & other tourist traps everywhere. They have already published one for Air Force guys & one for car racers.


My wife illustrates the 'Best' series for them & just volunteered to do some illustrations. She isn't an employee & doesn't make any decisions, but she would be happy to pitch the idea to the owner.

-7 finish kit
Slobovia Outernational
Pocahontas MS
I'm in

I all in.

Based on the population out there, I would venture to say it would lean towards a man's taste and culinary atributes.

Perhaps the theme should be focus on BBQ and outdoor cookery. Splash some nice RV pictures in it.
Great start

We have a publisher, tho we really dont need one, we can do it ourselves so long as we dont try to sell the "book".....no profit here.....just RV guys(and gals) paying the price for internal publishing to get to the food. Super cheap! chime in MS publisher:).....We have a starting menu...BBQ....MMM....bbq is serious business....is it going to be cooked (at) a fly in or in your back yard(14 hrs) to take to a fly in, or just stuff your face with it at home;) It really does matter for it to be the best( I warned you).....Lets play!
Let's play and have a charity

We have a publisher, tho we really dont need one, we can do it ourselves so long as we dont try to sell the "book".....no profit here.....just RV guys(and gals) paying the price for internal publishing to get to the food. Super cheap! chime in MS publisher:).....We have a starting menu...BBQ....MMM....bbq is serious business....is it going to be cooked (at) a fly in or in your back yard(14 hrs) to take to a fly in, or just stuff your face with it at home;) It really does matter for it to be the best( I warned you).....Lets play!

Let's play......What's going to be the best way to get these recipes posted? Should DR start a section for that?

Also, I think that we should have a bit of profit and donate it to a worthy cause. Not a lot but heck, why not. Big deal if it is 20 instead of 15 bucks. If every VAF flyboy donated 5, it would be BIG!!

Since it's flying - why not the AOPA Safety Fund?
great idea

on the charity.......How do we get them posted? I'll post one now and see what DR does with it. heres a simple but amazingly tasty soak for your steak.
2T horseradish(straight)
1T dijon mustard
1 1/2 T honey
1T pure maple syrup
1 1/2 T ancho chili powder(no substitutions here)
! cup kechup

Mix it all up, put in a large zip lock bag, throw in a couple of nice ribeyes or your steak of choice and soak it for at least 2 hrs. Overnight is best but even 1 hr will work. Grill steak to your liking, rare I hope and enjoy!

Someone make this today and report back.
-7a playin with fiberglass
on the charity.......How do we get them posted? I'll post one now and see what DR does with it. heres a simple but amazingly tasty soak for your steak.
2T horseradish(straight)
1T dijon mustard
1 1/2 T honey
1T pure maple syrup
1 1/2 T ancho chili powder(no substitutions here)
! cup kechup

Mix it all up, put in a large zip lock bag, throw in a couple of nice ribeyes or your steak of choice and soak it for at least 2 hrs. Overnight is best but even 1 hr will work. Grill steak to your liking, rare I hope and enjoy!

Someone make this today and report back.
-7a playin with fiberglass

oh gosh... that sounds excellent!! i'll go to the commissary and pick up stuff for that in the morning!!!! i've been needing some good food!:D
publishing: pro or am

If this will be focused 'in house', the best bet would be to just type up the recipes in a common word processor & take the document to a local print shop (or to anyone with a laser printer). It could even be distributed in .pdf format & printed at home.

If you want a 'pro' quality book, it would have to be 'pitched' to QRP as a revenue generator for them, meaning that IF it's published we would each get to purchase one. They would want to sell it on their web site & probably through various aviation outlets.

My wife just illustrates for them under contract; she doesn't make their publishing decisions.

bummer Charlie......... I thought we had a ringer in that your wife could handle the publishing. I've got a friend in town visiting who knows a little about web publishing. I'll hit him up tomorrow AFTER he helps me sand my fiberglass work from tonight;)

Robb -7a
Portobello Mushroom Sandwich

Portobello Mushroom Sandwich

One large portobello mushroom (6? diameter)

Purple onion ( 2 slices 3/8? or so thick)

Virgin olive oil (3-4 Tbl spoons)

Fresh Garlic ( 2-3 large cloves)

Salt (one dash)

Grind pepper

Chever cheese (goat cheese block)

Seasoned mayo

Fresh soar dough bread

Press garlic cloves and mix with olive oil and salt to form a paste. Wipe paste on mushroom and onion and cook over a gas fire perferred till tender. Wipe bread with mayo and any excess paste. Slice cheese thin and line one side of the bread. lay mushroom on cheese and grind pepper. Top off with bread and return to grill/toast in pan with dash of oil. Then...... ENJOY!!!