
Well Known Member

Since donations are voluntary, do you have a system set up to notify those of us who choose to donate when the year is up? Like an e-mail notice or something?

Is $25 / year still the recommended "voluntary" contribution for VAF members?

Doh! I did not know it starts over January 1. !

Have you all made your "08" donation?
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Yes, I've made mine, but only because I was reminded by the announcement Doug made of the updated list for '08. I wasn't thinking about January being the re-up month either. Now I will.

Thanks, Doug:
You can click on 'Donate Yearly', up in the left
corner and see a list of the people that have
sent in a donation for this year.
"Doh! I did not know it starts over January 1."

Guess that'll teach me to donate in December! :eek:

Wondered why I hadn't received a VAF#. Bet I get one this time...:)
VAF donation ideas

Since times are tough, I was thinking of a way to improve the VAF donations this year.

My wife and I are looking for outdoor kitchen appliances and have settled on Viking outdoor products worth about $8K new. Here's the deal, if anybody can find a place where I can buy all this stuff new, for a discount, I will donate 20% of what we save off MSRP to VAF, (including shipping to LAX).

There must be some deals out there. All I require is the stuff is new from a reputable dealer or store. And no e-bay 5 finger discounts or scratched and returned items.

Johnny Stick
(Buying the stuff for the family so I can start my RV10....oops, I mean RV9; my funds for the RV10 just went into the backyard!)
All sorts of online outlets (disclaimer, I work for Amazon).

Think that the savings are significant, no matter who who find the product on -- if for no other reason than you don't usually pay sales tax.
thnak you for your response; I must be looking in the wrong spots, all I find in a Google search are the dealers who will not sell below MSRP, or maybe just enough below to cover shipping. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Johnny stick
"Doh! I did not know it starts over January 1."

Guess that'll teach me to donate in December! :eek:

Wondered why I hadn't received a VAF#. Bet I get one this time...:)

I'm a December donator too... Don't worry, it's not about the recognition, I'm sure he appreciates the cash no matter the month!

Which Month To Donate to VAF

Unless you are someone who is overly concerned about having you name on the donation list all the time it really doesn't matter which month you make a donation. In fact I bet Doug is really happy people consistanly make donations each month of the year instead of everyone sending their money in on January 1st. Steady and regular works lots better both for RV building as well as helping keep VAFWWW afloat. Like many of you, VAFWWW is my morning fix with coffee to start the day off right. Now if I lived on an airpark and had a hanger house it might be a different kind of fix but my wife, bless her, will never let me be that close to the things I hold closest to my hear, next to God and Family.

From God's country, my family and I wish each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend as we all have more to be thankful for than we deserve. As we pray around the dinner table today let each of us pray for our fellow men and women in uniform who daily put their lives in harm's way.