Paul Tuttle

Well Known Member
I thought I?d take a minute and once again praise Doug for establishing and maintaining this site. We all know that the VAF community is filled with a diverse group of great people, and it is through this site that we get to know many of them in one way or another.

Today, I had the opportunity to meet and spend some time with Ed O?Quinn from Texas. Ed flew his RV 7 up to the Canadian Maritimes for a little sightseeing expedition.
After getting my contact info from this site, Ed called and we set up a plan to meet.
The weather didn?t cooperate with us, and the initial plan to fly into the uncontrolled strip at Stanley NS fell through. Ed did however make it into Halifax International, gave me a call, and we were able to spend an hour or so having a great conversation about aviation and the RV world.

Through the conversation we both commented on the value of this site to the RV community. Whether providing a valuable source of information and support while building, or providing opportunities to get together with friends or friends to be, it has served us in more ways than Doug probably had envisioned.

Once again Doug, thanks for all you put into this.

Paul Tuttle and Ed O?Quinn

snip... in more ways than Doug probably had envisioned....snip

So True!!! So True!!!

Thanks for those kind words, Paul. Last night at my wife's 25th high school reunion I visited with a guy that has his pilot's license, but hasn't flown in 12 years. We're gonna fix that here in about 3 hours, and I suspect he'll like it.
