
Well Known Member
I imagine there are others like me, who have entered VAF chat area to find they are talking to themselves! :eek:

I just thought it would be nice if a few, several, any or just two RV-12 enthusiasts had a special time where we might meet other 12'ers in the VAF Chat Room. :) :)

If any other 12'ers would like to give it a try, let's meet in the VAF Chat Room tonight at 9:00 PM EST and have an Open House ... introduce ourselves, just say hi, discuss building issues, make suggestions, talk Oshkosh, Rotax vs. ??? ... you get the idea! :D

If it works out we can go to VAF CHAT nightly ... and maybe, just maybe there will be other 12'ers to chat with. :)

And no, it won't hurt my feelings if no one shows up tonight, or any night ... been there, done that (like being stood up for a high school date). :eek:

CLICK HERE to ENTER VAF CHAT (at 9:00PM tonight, maybe nightly ... or take your chances anytime)

Hello Jerry
I'm new to the RV world, sent my order in last week for the 12 wing kit. Currently building my workbench and collecting my tools for the project. I would like to enter the chat but already have a commitment for tonight. I have only taken a quick look at your blog, looks like it will be helpful as I am a newbie also.
Jerry... I won't be able to make the chat, but I really appreciate your blog and all the pictures. I do have a few questions and a request.

Do you have a picture of the dremel/scotchbrite wheel tool that you used to debur the ribs? If so could you post the picture.

Secondly, are you saying the you used the dremel/scothbrite wheel tool to de-burred _all_ the complex edges and inside holes on the ribs? Right now my scotchbrite wheel is mounted on a desk grinder.

Finally, I can find only a few parts that seem to be "aluminum bar, angle or tube" to be primed. (since I believe that the skins, spars and ribs are alclad).

Thanks in advance,
Jeff ... I used my Dremel tool and a scotch brite PAD, not wheel to deburr my ribs. There's a picture of it somewhere in today's pictures.
The #30 holes I used my little drill type debur tool from Avery ... The big holes I debured with the yellow handled twisty debur tool.

Reprint of my post from thread Be sure to read the warning!! ... and do check with Van's Aircraft before you do anything I suggest!

Alan Gilbert published a video on YouTube to show how he did it.....

I only primed the 6 extrusion fabricated parts for the flaperons and and the 8 "tiny ribs" (A1204 L & R, A1204 L & R). I don't know if that was right or wrong, it's just what I did ... I'm a beginner with no formal training ... heed my warning ... I'm NO expert!

Good Luck!
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Jeff ... I used my Dremel tool and a scotch brite PAD, not wheel to deburr my ribs. There's a picture of it somewhere in today's pictures.

Jerry... I like that little de-burring tool on Utube.

Knowing that I _will_ make a mistake, I just dove in. I tried deburring three ways, after removing the blue plastic:

1) Hand file and scotchbrite pad --> slow but the most accurate.
2) Yellow hand de-burring tool and scotchbrite _wheel_ on a bench grinder --> seems to work if I am careful using low RPMs. (In fact, I am not sure that I need to use the deburring tool.) I did take out the other wheel and replaced it with a cotton polishing wheel just in case I twisted the piece wrong and hit the second wheel. I also ended up using the outside edge of the scotchbrite wheel and rested the piece on the grinding stand. I made a pass in each direction to get each "edge" and slightly angled the piece to avoid any kickback. Instead the wheel would drive the piece into the stand.
3) I punched out a 2 inch piece of scotchbrite _pad_ with a hole saw and mounted it on a dremel --> that works but takes off a LOT more alclad, far from the edge, than the other techniques.

So I will sleep on it, but the scotchbrite wheel on a grinder seems to work for me so far.

I finished the inventory and the only pieces that seem to need primer are:

Wing Subkit #4 Flaperon Hinges
Subkit #5 AEX Tie Down and Alum. angle FL-406A

I will look harder at the A1204 pieces that you mentioned.

ScotchBrite Mandrel


I've just started the wings, myself. I'm using a mandrel from Avery that lets me mount the Scotchbrite wheel in my drill press. So far I'm very happy with it. I just run the piece along the wheel, parallel to the plane of rotation. Why this thing is $19, I don't know, but it seems better than using the wheel in the grinder.
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I've just started the wings, myself. I'm using a mandrel from Avery that lets me mount the Scotchbrite wheel in my drill press. So far I'm very happy with it. I just run the piece along the wheel, parallel to the plane of rotation. Why this thing is $19, I don't know, but it seems better than using the wheel in the grinder.


jeff is right. in fact, avery has two nice short fat one and one larger thinner one. i also like to put in on my die grinder and use it to smooth out lightening holes etc.

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That smaller-wheel kit does look handy, but I'm starting to feel that I'll have more invested in tools than I have in the airframe by the time this is over :eek:

It would be nice to plunk down a few bucks for Jim Cone's rivet tool, but it should be relatively easy to make with a drill press and grinder.