
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Today makes 13 years since I bet the family farm on VAF as my full time job. In 2007 when I took this leap, I had no idea 2008 would carry with it such an economic downturn. "Surely that won't happen again", I said to myself confidently.

Enter 2020 <grin>. And stop calling me Shirley.

Hang tough everyone, thanks for supporting this small biz and its advertisers, and stay safe. We'll get through it.

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Congratulations on 13 years.
Could not have done it without you. No seriously.
Without this site, I would be covered in wood dust and fabric.
Thanks for all.
Thanks for everything you do for the community Doug. You're an important member of the Van's family!

Can't believe it's that long since you went full time!!??

I DO remember the "old" chat forum before that when I was still selling RV Insurance!

Wasn't that like 20 years ago now?

Best wishes to you and the family, here's to another 20 at least!!
Thanks Doug for the virtual living room. Great place for active flyers to relax and for builders to ask questions. Thanks for keeping it civil.
I am proud to be part of your =VAF= family. You are the MAN. thanks for all you do for us. :)
13 Years


Apart from the wealth of knowledge to get one out of a tight spot, as a family first man it has been great to be along for the ride reading about Audrey and Tate progress through life.

All the best
Congrats and Happy Anniversary Doug! Thanks (again) for the community & camaraderie you enable us all to enjoy, and for the many friends I have made directly from VAF! And yep, for a place of comfort and solace during times like we're in now.

Many thanks, Doug for all that you do for us. We've known your family and you've made us feel like a part of it, as you have become part of the larger VAF family. All of us are better builders, innovators, and people because of what you started. Happy Anniversary!
Thanks Doug (my son?s name btw). VAF is one of the things that helps set RV?s apart from the rest.
Today makes 13 years since I bet the family farm on VAF as my full time job. In 2007 when I took this leap, I had no idea 2008 would carry with it such an economic downturn. "Surely that won't happen again", I said to myself confidently.

Enter 2020 <grin>. And stop calling me Shirley.

Hang tough everyone, thanks for supporting this small biz and its advertisers, and stay safe. We'll get through it.


Though you have given 15 years of service to the Van's Aircraft community, Van has you to thank for a potion of their fantastic success.... and to the fact that many builders problems have been solved here without loading up their tech lines.

As Van's continues growing, they are continuously exceeding many certified aircraft companies. You can be proud of your part in this amazing aircraft company.

I am very pleased that Van's and VAF came along during a time in my life that I got the opportunity to own and fly the most amazing kit airplane ever designed.
Congrats and thanks so much, DR! This site is invaluable to anyone who's trying to build an RV. So much good information, help, camaraderie, and motivation. THANK YOU for your vision to put this site together for all RV'ers.

Thirteen successful years flying solo in VAF?s left seat. And counting!
New Phenom pilot qual.
Daughter getting married to a good guy that you like.

Let the good times keep rolling, Doug and Susan. Congratulations!
Doug Reeves, good example for us all!

Doug, I've been with you since the beginning. Helped you get your RV-6 together out of the paint shop in Alabama. Chatted a number of times over the years. You have provided a platform that has enabled so many of us to fully enjoy our RV experiences and also a social network that is the envy of many.

Yet, those are not your greatest contributions. I think your best contribution is a living example of excellent character in a day when it is exceptionally rare.

Understanding your frugal way of life as explained in your writings, and living a responsible lifestyle, seeing good parenting, an excellent long-term marriage, and careful, thoughtful aviating. Those are your greatest contributions to us and society.

It appears you have raised two fine young adult children who will contribute to society and be your worthy replacements eventually.

Well done!

Your friend,

Congrats Doug. VAF is one of the most well known and respected aviation forums on the web for information about all things Experimental. Lots of non- RV folks follow the discussions here. You're doing a great service to the Experimental cause here.
I started building In 93. There was little, if any internet activity. The original forum that I used was Matt Dralle?s matronic site. I have forgotten the transition steps before Doug started the VAF site. Any other old timers out there to able to fill in the gaps?
This is one of the best forums - the best!!
Although I?m presently not building I?m almost everyday looking for news.

Keep going!

Congrats to you and yours. Like many, many others...without this site, I would have:
1) given up
2) taken 3 x longer
3) have a lesser quality plane.

Thanks for providing us all with such a useful, and needed service!
Keep on!


Keep On Keeping On!!
Great site, your have helped so many enjoy their building experience. And provided a clearing house for flyers to connect!
Love the kid up dates. She is engaged!! They grow up so fast!
A million thanks
While I'm a relatively recent newcomer to the site, I can't imagine not having this resource as an also relatively new RV owner. Congratulations and hope it continues for many years to come.
Congrats Doug

As a small business owner i applaud your success (food on the table, college tuition, a little bit of avgas!) and dedication to this community . . .

Congrats Doug! Can't believe it's been 13 years since the change over. And now you're a commercial pilot too. Nice job.