
Well Known Member
So I had a few minutes at work to catch up on the news of the day when I saw this link; creator honored

Krash just received the Bax Seat Trophy award (at the Van's Banquet) in the last hour by my watch...

I'm guessing that at least 25% of the previous Bax Seat Trophy Award winners are RVers :)

Very Cool Krash, MANY CONGRATS to you!!!!! You deserved this!!!! ;) Rosie

PS: EAA needs to update names on the Bax Seat Trophy Awards page...
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Well deserved award.

Sorry I missed it, would have been the highlight of the pilgrimage.
Uugh...the guy will be unbearable now.


Seriously, couldn't have happened to a better, more deserving guy!

Congratulations Doug!

And to think, I'll be able to tell people not just that I knew him back in the day, but also that he bought me a cheeseburger! :)

So I had a few minutes at work to catch up on the news of the day when I saw this link; creator honored

Krash just received the Bax Seat Trophy award (at the Van's Banquet) in the last hour by my watch...

I'm guessing that at least 25% of the previous Bax Seat Trophy Award winners are RVers :)

Very Cool Krash, MANY CONGRATS to you!!!!! You deserved this!!!! ;) Rosie

PS: EAA needs to update names on the Bax Seat Trophy Awards page...

The Bax Seat Award is indeed a well-deserved feather in Doug's cap. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of his site is not the huge repository of info, but the unusually civil environment he has established and maintained.

No doubt Doug is going to be a little embarrassed by the erroneous number of members given in the EAA press release. The article stated "120,300 registered users, plus 40,000 users who aren’t registered". A look at the front page of the forum clearly states 10,384 members. That is still a very respectable number of RV fanatics, however. :)
Big Congrats!!!

Way to go Doug! Couldn't think of a more deserving dude...even if you do drive a pink scooter ;) Oh, nice panel by the way!

When you do good things good things will come your way......

Congrats Doug....well deserved

Frank @ 1L8 and SGU ....RV7A... Phase 1
Good job, Doug!

Congratulations, Doug. Now you have definitely made the BIG TIME! :D

Seriously, this is a well-deserved honor, and we are all proud of you. I just wish I could have made it to Airventure this year.

Hope the award doesn't mess up your CG for the trip home!
you da man


was able to get a pic of the article. great mug shot. congradulations DR.
Definitely an outstanding achievement Doug - and to think I knew you when you were just a cube rat....;)
Pix of the presentation

Great and very humble speech!



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Jeez guys...did anyone see the giant 40 gallon hat he was wearing at OSH??! It almost overshadowed that gorgeous SteinAir shirt he was wearing around. :) Now you're going to make his head big enough to fill it!

All joking aside, well done Doug and well deserved. Good job on getting the G3X install done in the short rushed timeframe (that literally being days) we gave you, and it was a pleasure chatting with you throughout the week.


PS, I'll send you the bill for helping push your airplane out to the taxiway later. Someone should have taken a picture with me pushing/pulling on your being such an expert with props and all!
Rewards of Fame

Scott, Roy and I bumped into Doug on Wednesday morning, and in honor of his award we generously treated him to breakfast at the Homebuilder's Donut Day free breakfast and bought him a copy of the free EAA daily newspaper to read while he ate. Ahhh, the rewards of fame! :D

Congratulations, Doug!

I met Doug at the Van's tent - sombrero and all.

After saying it was glad to met him, I enjoyed his site, etc. he said something to the effect "not as impressive in real life, huh?".

Well, I didn't have my expectations set all that high to begin with. 'bout all I could see he had going for him was that he chose a taildragger airplane - but the hat made up for that in spades. :)

Congratulations are still in order however and who would have thought, say 5-6 years ago, that a portal/blog/forum site on a particular brand of kit built aircraft would be the platform for any sort of media recognition from an international aviation association? As a metaphor for how far the industry has come it is hard to get better than that.:)

Seriously I enjoy that fact that someone who does so little to blow his own horn while doing so much to celebrate everyone else's accomplishments get due recognition and stands in stark contrast to the usual "it's all about me" culture so prevalent in the main-stream entertainment, sports, and media worlds.

Well done and well deserved.

Now when is the photo shoot for the media kit? Can't wait to get a signed copy of Doug astride the pink panther Vespa with the latest fashion statement hat drawn just so down across the eyebrows.... :)
Well done

You've been esposed my good man. Now the rest of the world knows our little secret.......:D
He is one of us ( far left wearing black T-shirt)


honored (in the middle the same T-shirt)

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