
Well Known Member
I'm trying to decide whether to install a vacuum DG and AI, or electric gyros. The electric gyros have about a 300% premium and I'm wondering if it's worth it. I see Falcon has some electrics that are about half the TSO'd ones and wondered about the quality of those. Your opinions will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Wings (fuel tank hell)

For around $1200 you can get a Trutrak ADI that has no moving parts, electric AI and digital DG along with the inclinometer. For another grand or so you can add the autopilot feature to it for the ADI Pilot I or II.
If you add in the cost of a vacuum system (~$800) along with an AI and DG ($700+700=$1400), you get $2200. This is just about the cost of a Dynon D10. Why would anyone want to use steam gauges any more?
If you are thinking of the AI and DG as backups to an EFIS,
you really only need ALT, Airspeed, VSI, and compass to backup an EFIS. Still cheaper than adding a vacuum system.

Greg Piney
RV-8 Gonnabe (Real Soon Now)
Setting up Shop
Purchased Tools (OUCH!)
tomcostanza said:
I'm trying to decide whether to install a vacuum DG and AI, or electric gyros. The electric gyros have about a 300% premium and I'm wondering if it's worth it. I see Falcon has some electrics that are about half the TSO'd ones and wondered about the quality of those. Your opinions will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Wings (fuel tank hell)

You could certainly do a basic VFR panel for less than $1000 if you wanted to. If you're going to start adding gyros, though, and you want to keep the price reasonable (not $16,000 chelton's, for example) it's really hard to beat the value of Dynon at $2200 that replaces your whole panel.

re: vacuum. I don't want to start a vacuum vs. electric war, but I will say that from a systems standpoint, vacuum brings nothing to the table. I'd no more design a panel with vacuum than I would design a car with a hand crank. Just my opinion.
Electric gyros cost more and last longer than vacuum. The electrics run in a sealed environment, so they stay cleaner. Vacuum gyros don't have a good service record. I always ran electric gyros until I got my Dynon. It cost just slightly more than an electric gyro and has no moving parts. On the other hand, if you are considering the new Tru Trac ADI, be aware that it is NOT a true attitude indicator. It's operation is based on verticle speed technology, meaning that if you had the nose up and were mushing downward, it would give you a nose down indication. In most 1g operations is will similate an attitude indicator, but be aware of its' quirks.
Why? - Because they are dedicated

Why would anyone want to fly with "regular" displays rather than little televisions? Well I would because the instruments are dedicated to one configuration and they are always there doing their job and I only need to glance at them to know my situation - when I need them the most that is exactly what I want. I have had a change of heart with respect to vacuum systems however. After flying with the Pictorial Pilot for coming up on a year the drift and presessing of the old vacuum DG is maddening. In the future I will convert to electric solid state with a reliable standby battery system dedicated to the instrument but I want it clean and crisp and simple with the full range of independent distributed instruments - no TV in the cockpit.

Bob Axsom
AI / DG alternatives that are good for IFR?

I really want a panel that is close to a standard 6-pack. I'm leaning towards the ADI pilot in the T/C position (since the revised rule allows an AI to replace a TC), but I'm not sure want I want to do for the AI and DG. I was thinking about putting a Dynon D10A in the AI position for both AI & DG. Are many people flying the Dynon as primary AI/DG? I want to be IFR capable, but don't plan on doing hard IFR. Any comments, suggestions?

Bob, you're reference to "solid state" DG replacement - what were you referring to?
Something without a spinning disc

I haven't looked into it and will not until my vacuum propelled DG fails. Some of the Tru Trak hardware will work for me probably. The basic requirement is for the elimination of the spinning mass as the stable reference. The digital readout on the ADI is a thought. The moving map display and the Pictorial Pilot digital readout tells me where I am and where I'm going if not where I'm pointed. If you need a circular display that will not work. Also, if ATC gives you a heading and you fly to maintain the same number in the PP display you will not be doing strictly what you are told to do and could possibly conflict with someone flying their assigned heading without wind compensation. Of course the vacuum DGs are often so far off that the error will probably be greater than the course vs. heading difference. I will just have to deal with it someday but that vacuum pump will be coming out.

Bob Axsom