
I am getting ready to remove the vacuum pump from my IO-360-A1B6 as we convert to all-glass, and figure that it would be nice to get the adapter out of there as well to save a pound. A lot of people have mentioned in other threads using some sort of tubing to take up the space on the long studs that remain after removing the pump and adapter.

Does anyone who has done so successfully have details of what they did and what material they used to make the spacers?
Home Depot Aviation Department

I used four threaded couplings. These were 1" long and ID was just sufficient to clear the stud threads. Smaller ones could be reamed out. I first thought of using an appropriate size ID/OD piece of 4130 but the spacers were more accessible.

BTW, Lycoming has a part number for these spacers, but they were about $7 each.

Other options

I just removed the 4 studs from my prop governor flange and replaced them with longer studs for my new Hartzell prop governor. I was concerned about messing up a stud but it turned out to be simple to remove the old studs and simple to install the new longer studs. Used the two nuts tightened against each other method for both the removal and installation steps. Just another option to consider.

Another option, stick a B&C SD-8 backup alternator on the vacuum pad.