sounds like it was a great trip Don- on the write up at the very end it was mentioned some ice was experienced. Can you tell me some details about that- where it stuck, how bad it was, and you climbed above it?
Hi Danny
As I remember I was on top at 8500 and the clouds started slanting up at a gradual angle to 16000 on the way up I went through some cloud tops around 13000 and that’s where I picked up the ice not much just enough to cover the wind shield and a thin coat on the wings. The ice looked lumpy not smooth. I pulled up steeply to get out of the clouds and did so. I wasn't in the clouds very long maybe 5 minutes. After out of the clouds it took about 1/2 hour for the ice to sublimate off the aircraft surfaces. Also the outside temps were -8 degs cel. & my carb temp was 10 deg cel. I pulled carb heat but the temp didn't rise. so much for the carb heat design. or my engine was just too cold to produce any heat?
I was prepared to do a 180 and back the other way if I couldn't make the top.
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Great write up Don. Out of curiosity, what altitude did you fly from Orange to Cedar, what was your average GS, and did you basically follow the coast? and how long did the trip take?

Hi Brian
I went flight following V70-V552-V198- SZW Direct CDK. 10500
The controllers let me go through the MOA'S and Alert aeras. It took me
4.6 hrs don't know what the ground speed was but as I remember I had slight head winds. I have extended tanks with 8 hours capasity