Well Known Member
Initial settings are 500 fpm descent rate and a glide speed of 65 kts. The 500 fpm may be a bit hopeful....

Anyone else experimenting yet?
Max Gross weight?

Probably should ask. To be on conservative side, tests should probably be done at 1320lbs. When I'm done with my annual, I definitely will explore this with the new ring feature.
I'm searching for the set up instructions for this feature but aren't having much luck, have you guys done it already? Where did you find the instructions?
I've loaded the new version and looked in the set up menu on the sky view and am looking in the installation and pilot manuals for ver 14 but no luck so far.
Testing at 1320 lb might be unrealistic as that is max gross weight. You would have to overload for takeoff to have 1320 at altitude. Most of us don't fly at gross weight on a regular basis. I would plan for 1/2 to 3/4 tank with pilot and pax weights to get a good baseline. Last summer I did some engine off glides ranging from 60-65 kts and 500-650 fpm descent rates. 1/2 tank and solo weight. That's what I used when setting the glide ring. Don't think I would use the glide ring other than to look for off field sites IN the ring and not near the outer edges of it.... Lots of factors in play anyway, wind, weight, temp, etc....
EDITED TO REFLECT CURRENT POH - had the old one on my IPAD!

The Skyview Seup for the glide ring wants two things:

NOTE THAT the earlier handbook gave these 1st 2 speeds as 85 - 60 - a much larger spread than the revised handbook.
So to a large extent this question is now moot.

My RV12 POH gives two different things on page 3-12, Complete power failure forced landing:
>Maximum gliding distance airspeed 63 kts
>Minimum rate of descent airspeed 59 kts
Both are noted as flaps up.
Note that the POH does not list a Vg in the Performance section 5

How do I reconcile these items to input to the Skyview?

Maybe flight test at both 63 and 59 and get the descent rates at a reasonable weight?
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... But My RV12 POH gives two different things on page 6-10, Complete power failure forced landing:
>Maximum gliding distance airspeed 85 kts
>Minimum rate of descent airspeed 60 kts
Both are noted as flaps up. ...

My POH lists those speeds as 63 kts and 59 kts respectively in that same section.

For purposes of the glide ring, it seems like Max Distance speed would be best to use.
Best glide speed (Vg) is the speed that will give the best power off L/d, and get you the most dist vs altitude available, so that is the speed you would want to use for the glide ring data.
Scott --

Did Van's come up with any "average sink rate" data during flight testing that we could input into our SVs? I realize that there are many variables involved (e.g., flaps, wheel fairings, prop windmilling, operating weight, air density, etc.). I guess I will use 600 fpm for now and will do some testing of my own to establish a useful value that reflects an "average" situation for my use.

-- David
Best glide speed (Vg) is the speed that will give the best power off L/d, and get you the most dist vs altitude available, so that is the speed you would want to use for the glide ring data.

Any idea why Bill's POH says that speed is 85 kts and mine says 63?
Scott --

Did Van's come up with any "average sink rate" data during flight testing that we could input into our SVs? I realize that there are many variables involved (e.g., flaps, wheel fairings, prop windmilling, operating weight, air density, etc.). I guess I will use 600 fpm for now and will do some testing of my own to establish a useful value that reflects an "average" situation for my use.

-- David

I am pretty sure the quoted speeds are for gross weight, prop stopped (it doesn't windmill), and wheel pants.

Since there are multiple variables that could be in play when you really needed the information, using worse case should be conservative and then make a judgement call based on the current situation.

This was really well done. Second RV-12 engine out video I've seen on YouTube if I recall. I have just over 200h flying the -12 but haven't worked up enough courage myself to cut the engine in flight. But its really nice to know that a calm disciplined glide back to the airport is eminently possible.