
Well Known Member
I just noticed on the plans that F-711C gets tapered for tri-gears. Why is this? I don't see it getting in the way of anything.




Darn good question

Tom, hello, good question. I don't see an issue other than
a little extra weight. Curious myself to why it would differ from
an A model to a tail dragger. Check in with Vans. I seriously doubt
they suggest you change it.
Tom, hello, good question. I don't see an issue other than
a little extra weight. Curious myself to why it would differ from
an A model to a tail dragger. Check in with Vans. I seriously doubt
they suggest you change it.

I'd guess that on the TDs, the lower parts of the bars are used to anchor the tailwheel spring socket, so more strength and therefore more metal is needed down there. Or something like that.

Thanks, Bob K.
I don't have a good answer for you but does the tie down block need to fit between the two. If not it must be weight.
It's difficult enough to find opportunities to remove weight from these airplanes. I'd suggest that you taper it per the plans.

On my RV-3B, which is a much less pre-shaped and pre-drilled kit, the similar parts needed tapering. I marked it with a Sharpie, cut OUTSIDE the line with my bandsaw (using a 14.5 tpi wood blade, cuts like butter), filed it to the line with a Vixen file, and dressed it with a fine mill file. Took only a few moments.

Go for it.

Looks like I tapered it for my -9A.

If you are ever going to do a tail wheel conversion, leave the extra material! :)

I'm sure that's why the QB has the extra material.
tail wheel

doesn't the front tail wheel leg bracket tie into those on the bottom? i can't recall for sure, but that is what it seems like!
I just noticed on the plans that F-711C gets tapered for tri-gears. Why is this? I don't see it getting in the way of anything.




Tom - The only reason to taper these is for weight savings. The QB kits are shipped untapered since they can be used for either taildraggers or nosewheel aircraft. The weldment on a taildragger bolts to the bottom of these pieces and as a result the extra material is required to carry the loads of the tailwheel.

I converted my -7A to a -7 and had to remove the F-711C parts since I had originally tapered them for the -7A. It was necessary to install the untapered versions again.

I would leave the bars just as you have them since they are already riveted in. The weight savings are minimal and there is a small chance that you could damage the parts drilling them out. It just doesn't seem like it's worth the hassle to me. Besides, you may want to convert to a taildragger one day. :)
Same as what Greg V said. I was happy that these come untapered in the QB version when I went to convert to TW.

The weight removed if tapered is approximately 0.1288 lbs., removing a moment of approximately 1.5 ft/lbs.
Someone posted an interesting spec that if you performed all the optional weight saving trimming/hole cutting, you'd save just a few ounces in an RV. :)

Eat less????? - forget it, they're coming out!!! :D

Thanks folks, I appreciate the thoughts and insights. I will leave as is.
