pierre smith

Well Known Member
Hi guys,
When using the 'quote' button, how do you delete some of a quote and only use a portion of a previous message. I tried it by deleting some of the message after pressing the button but it didn't work,
pierre smith said:
Hi guys,
When using the 'quote' button, how do you delete some of a quote and only use a portion of a previous message.
Make sure you preserve the stuff in the square brackets and you should be OK (I deleted part of your message in my quote)
DGlaeser said:
...snip... preserve the stuff in the square brackets and you should be OK (I deleted part of your message ...snip...
I usually try to put a ....snip.... in the preserved quote (like above) if I'm cutting stuff off, just leaving enough text to leave intact the theme of the thread. No right way of course...

Do you mean that I place a [ at the beginning of what I want to quote and then ] at the end? I'm still somewhat confused.
You're very close, Pierre.

If you 'reply' to a message by clicking on the QUOTE button down at the bottom right it will put in all the appropriate code and will make sense once you see it. I'm assuming you're hitting the 'POST REPLY' button instead of the 'Quote' button, of course. I could be wrong (often am <g>).


pierre smith said:
Do you mean that I place a [ at the beginning of what I want to quote and then ] at the end? I'm still somewhat confused.
DeltaRomeo said:
You're very close, Pierre.

If you 'reply' to a message by clicking on the QUOTE button down at the bottom right it will put in all the appropriate code and will make sense once you see it. I'm assuming you're hitting the 'POST REPLY' button instead of the 'Quote' button, of course. I could be wrong (often am <g>).


Thanks Doug,
I do hit the 'quote' button like this but how do I eliminate some of the text?
Just delete as you would any other. Just don't delete any of the [ or ] or the word QUOTE or /QUOTE.


DeltaRomeo said:
Just delete as you would any other. Just don't delete any of the [ or ] or the word QUOTE or /QUOTE.


Thought I Should test the quote feature while the thread is going. :eek:
Modifying quoted text

pierre smith said:
Do you mean that I place a [ at the beginning of what I want to quote and then ] at the end? I'm still somewhat confused.
When you hit the quote button, the original message appears between a special set of text "QUOTE" and "/QUOTE" that are enclosed in square brackets. Those are HTML commands which format the display of the message. What I meant is to leave the special text alone - but you can modify the text in between them.

Your new message is added below the "/QUOTE".

If you want to get fancy you can embedd HTML commands in your message (Note: I put an "I" in square brackets before fancy and a "/I" in square brackets after it to make it italic).

You can use the "Preview Post" button to see your formatted message before you submit it if you want - and make changes until you get what you want!