
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
The mission: Fly from Houston to Carlsbad (NM) for the weekend to do some cave exploring with local experts (and RV pilots) Louise Hose (who co-wrote the geologists guide to Carlsbad Cavern) and Larry Pardue, long-time explorer of the cavern ? both having graciously volunteered a good time for visitors with airplanes!

The Challenge: March weather across Texas, providing interesting combinations of low fog and towering thunderstorms. Combined with a somewhat constrained schedule, the goal was to operate safely and still accomplish the trip.

The Vehicle: Well, the Valkyrie, of course! Eleven hundred pounds of Van?s finest design, equipped with an EFIS panel, triple GPS navigation, XM weather, and a good autopilot.

After watching the weather for several days in advance, it was clear that while there might be some storms around, the trip was do-able using all of the available information and tools. It seems counter-intuitive to some, but generally speaking, the worse the weather, the less likely I am to file IFR. I like IFR for getting in and out of airports with below-VFR weather caused by flat ceilings, mist and drizzle. As long as you follow procedures, maintain fuel margins and stay proficient, those are unlikely to kill you. Violent weather (or icing) however, are not places that I like to be buried in the clouds. In those conditions, I prefer to stay VFR ? on top if possible, or underneath (which eats fuel, so it is the second choice) if the visibilities are good, and safe minimum altitudes can be observed. If the weather is too bad to do that, then I sit and wait things out.

The conditions I had seen for several days were low clouds in the morning, with scattered thunderstorms, some along lines, forming in the afternoons. So my strategy for the trip out was to fly first thing in the morning, avoiding the violence of the afternoon, and accepting the ceilings and low visibility. This worked out perfectly on Friday, with a departure just at sunrise, with moisture-laden air, but respectable visibility and good enough minimums to land at my departure point (or nearby Hobby or Ellington) for an early mission abort. As I climbed out to my filed altitude of 10,000?, I enjoyed the rare humor of the departure controller joking with airline crews at the beginning of his shift. I imagine he gets less humorous as the day goes on. I was filed via airways which form an almost direct line between Hobby and KCNM, and I like that for the purposes of having intermediate waypoints in my GRT EFIS. The flight plan page will tell you the instantaneous predicted ETA and Fuel at Waypoint for every waypoint in the plan, and this gives me a good idea of if I might have to consider an early landing or divert. If you just go ?Direct Destination?, you don?t have any intermediate points, and lose a little flexibility.

The XM weather on my 396 was showing a thin line of showers over the hill country across my route ? very light remnants of thunderstorms of the night before. The forecast called for the potential for building more, but at 0800, I was between layers at 10K, in smooth air, and suffering only slightly from a wind that varied from 10 knots on the nose to 10 knots from the left. Weathermeister had predicted that this would be the case, so there was no surprise. Only slightly annoying was the fact that the METAR for KCNM dropped to a red flag on the 396 early in the flight ? low visibility and clouds right at ILS minimums looked like morning fog. Again, this was no surprise, and as I progressed, the predicted improvement came. The ability to see this happen while in flight is simply magic! The only weather I encountered was a few light drops of rain as I crossed the old showers, still in between layers, with good visibility and accompanied with a few bumps of moderate turbulence. I left that behind over Junction, TX, and came out into full sun with an undercast as I headed out over the plains.

As I approached KCNM, the METAR had risen to 5 miles and 500 feet, and although I had the ILS plate on my knee, center herded me into a hold over the VOR because he had a pair of B-1 bombers on a Low Altitude route that impinged on the approach area. I did two turns in holding as he tried to shuffle them out of the way, and finally cleared me for ?the approach?. ?What approach?? I wondered?.I guess I am too used to a carefully controlled radar environment?..not used to picking my own. Since I was already at the IAF for the VOR, I slid down the inbound course and broke out right as advertised at 500 feet AGL, lined up perfectly for runway 32L. Total flight time was 3+20, and I still had 1+30 fuel on board. I was met by Louise and Roger, another builder who was helping her troubleshoot a radio issue. Since I had arrived a bit early, I dove into the project, and while we didn?t solve it, we at least eliminated some potential causes. And sure enough a few hours after my arrival, severe thunderstorms with hail and tornadoes descended on the area - just as forecast. I sure was glad that Louise had found a hangar for the Val before my arrival!

The caving? Well, it was spectacular, and at the risk of overextending the good graces of our local experts, I highly recommend the trip to anyone with an interest. I did some caving and lots of climbing when I was young, and I had never seen anything quite as grand. On Saturday, we did some vertical rope work to explore a wild cave up in the Guadalupes, and I was delighted with the formations and size of the cave. The conditions were perfect, and when we exited the cave in the late afternoon, the weather was sunny and moderate, with a nice breeze wafting the scent of mountain trees across us as we packed up our gear. I haven?t had such a nice day in the mountains in years. Sunday?s trip into Carlsbad was something I will remember forever. It is not often that you get to go on a private tour lead by the person that wrote the guidebook (Louise), a person that did much of the exploring (Larry), and the former National Park Service superintendent (another Larry)! The stories alone were worth the trip, even if I hadn?t seen the cave. Ask Larry Pardue to tell you about reaching a passageway high in the ceiling of a massive chamber by using helium balloons to lift a thin cord up and over a stalagmite, and then using that cord to pull up a climbing line. And then CLIMBING that line in free space not knowing for sure the strength of the anchor! I could write a volume on the trip, but this is an airplane web site?..maybe I?ll have a few pictures later on.
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Headed Home....(Part 2)

Sunday?s return was predicated on the weather staying stable as we explored Carlsbad Cavern itself. While the morning forecast was reasonable, we were out of touch with the surface until early afternoon, and I wasn?t sure what we?d find upon our emergence from the earth. Fortunately, the skies looked good, and a look at the XM weather in Larry?s car showed lots of breaks in the buildups across Texas. I departed a little before 1500 local, setting out VFR with good ceilings to follow my philosophy of staying under the bad stuff. The METARS along the way promised that I would be able to stay above VFR MEA?s, so I wasn?t too worried. I set out on a course direct for home, and once past Midland, I had to deviate south around the first area of weather. The only problem being down low was a 30 knot headwind that impeded progress, but the RV is still fast. My technique is to use the XM weather picture to pick a clear line by scanning forward and back across the primary course, observing how the weather is changing, and then transferring waypoints into my EFIS manually, or just flying the autopilot in Heading mode to pick my way through the holes. Most of the time on this trip, I was in the clear, underneath a ceiling with good visibility and no rain. Only when I reach the western edge of the Hill Country did I run into a real north/south line of storms that stretched from Del Rio to west of Fort Worth. By the time I got there, parts of the line were showing some pretty good storms, but about 30 miles south of my direct line, there was a clear passage of only level one precip. It was an easy passage, and I never even lost VFR visibility. I was down close to the MEA?s, but having both terrain and obstacle data on the EFIS adds a lot of confidence.

After popping out the east side of the massive line (which has stayed in the same spot now for an additional 24 hours!), I decided to take on fuel at Kestrel, the airpark north of San Antonio where I own a lot. The gas prices are good, and I figured that I would rather end up at home base close to dark with more than 12 gallons of fuel, as I knew that the clouds would get lower as night approached. Climbing out after the fuel stop, I made it comfortably to 7,500? with a few scattered clouds below, and a layer above. It was a nice, smooth ride for the 55 minutes it took to get home, now with a tailwind, and as I descended for the field, I could see the clouds getting lower as I approached the coast and it?s moisture-laden air. As I entered crosswind for runway 14, my 396 beeped and went into night mode as it computed the exact moment of sunset ? so I guess I log that as a night landing! I rolled to a stop with an additional 3+30 on the clock since KCNM ? headwinds can do that to you!

Once again, a wonderful weekend made possible by the wonders of the RV airframe and the magic of modern avionics ? all coupled to some conservative judgment and a few years of weather watching. Once again, I am simply amazed at the capability given us by XM weather. And once again, I like to think that the most important electronic tool in the entire airplane is my cell phone ? so that if the weather goes below my personal minimums, I can retreat, land, and call the office to tell them I won?t be home in time for my scheduled meeting, simulation, or other ?critical activity?. There is always someone else that I can talk into taking my place?..

Thanks again to Louise and Larry (and Larry, and George, and Karst, the wonder dog!) for a wonderful weekend!

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New call sign: USE IT ALL PAUL

Great writeup, Iron! Can't think of a better occasion to post my 1,234th post <g>.

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Nice write up...

Nice write up indeed......
now where are those pictures????
Seriously, thanks for taking the time to share with us.
The United States seems a little smaller with each story.

You mean you expect ME to do that?...

OK I'll wait till I got my cockpit WX system..:)

Should be mandatory reading

Ironflight said:
It seems counter-intuitive to some, but generally speaking, the worse the weather, the less likely I am to file IFR. I like IFR for getting in and out of airports with below-VFR weather caused by flat ceilings, mist and drizzle. As long as you follow procedures, maintain fuel margins and stay proficient, those are unlikely to kill you. Violent weather (or icing) however, are not places that I like to be buried in the clouds. In those conditions, I prefer to stay VFR ? on top if possible, or underneath (which eats fuel, so it is the second choice) if the visibilities are good, and safe minimum altitudes can be observed. If the weather is too bad to do that, then I sit and wait things out.
Thanks for the write-up, Paul. The paragraph above may be the most important one I could possibly quote to those folks who want to use their RV (or other single-engine GA aircraft) for IFR cross-country flying. A pilot may have the best instruments, aircraft equipment, Situational Awareness, training, skill, experience, and talent, but there are just some weather conditions that are "no-go's" regardless of all that other stuff. One of the big keys to safe flying is knowing that a limit has been reached, or is likely to be reached soon.

We often debate, on this forum, about heated pitot tubes, backup instrumentation, instrument reliability, whether we should install fuses instead of circuit breakers, and so on. Those are all great topics, and important ones.

In the end, the safety of you and your airplane is mostly determined by your attitude toward flying it.

I hope the folks with new instrument ratings (or those currently taking IFR training), will take note of this fact: Here's a skilled pilot (I'm referring to Paul) with a redundant EFIS panel, redundant power sources, satellite weather overlays, autopilot, and many of the other cool gadgets available, and yet he sat down and established some carefully-considered Hard Limits as to what weather he'll fly in, and under what conditions he'll stay in the hotel and watch another movie instead. If everyone did this... well, maybe a few NTSB guys would be out looking for jobs.

Thanks again, Paul, for sharing your trip and your good sense.
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Lots of Experience

Great post Paul! To be clear to all, Paul has thousands of hours of flight experience, over 25 years. Great to see a plan come together!
Real pleasure to read your post...Keep on flying and writing....It provides a great incentive to us keep dreaming and pounding rivets.
THIS is why I am (1) working on my IFR ticket and (2) planning out an IFR capable RV. A fun airplane that can also go into the muck occasionally. Thanks for the encouragement!
Thanks for the Trip Report!


Thanks for sharing your weekend adventure(s) with us. And I would like to say here publicly THANKS for the ride in the Valkyrie a few weeks ago. To those of you who have never met Paul, you can probably guess that he is one neat guy. And I'm sure those who know him better than I could add some more compliments.

I would like to share two memories of that ride with Paul that made a lasting impression. First, when he helped me strap into the back seat of Valkyrie I made the comment that I prefer not to do aerobatics, even lazy rolls. His reply..."We won't be doing aero today because we will not have parachutes on board." (How many times have you had a ride and the pilot say, " Mind if I do a roll?")

Secondly, before he got into the airplane, he asked me my weight. Not that I'm overly obese, but he wanted to know before he "committed to aviating" where the takeoff weight and c.g. fell on his charts even before he started his engine.

Needless to say, I was not surprised that a guy whose job is Lead Flight Director for the Space Shuttle Program is disciplined, but it sure makes an impression when that discipline carries over to his personal flying.

Thanks again, Paul.


P.S. I am reminded daily how this RV community brings "birds of a feather closer together." And Doug's web sites have a lot to do with that. Thanks to you too, Doug. :D
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rv7boy said:
Secondly, before he got into the airplane, he asked me my weight. Not that I'm overly obese, but he wanted to know before he "committed to aviating" where the takeoff weight and c.g. fell on his charts even before he started his engine.

Needless to say, I was not surprised that a guy whose job is Mission Controller for the Space Shuttle Program is disciplined, but it sure makes an impression when that discipline carries over to his personal flying...
I had a ride with RV-8 builder Tom Navar, on Monday. I met Tom just a few weeks ago at Big Bend Ranch State Park and needed to do a task that his Cessna 180 is ideal for. I was impressed, before, with Tom's background but was more impressed, on Monday with his discipline.

With two of us in a 180, W&B was not an issue but after the runup he did a full passenger briefing including status of the aircraft and the engine and the pilot. This was after a full briefing, before we got in the airplane, on all aspects of the mission, including what I expected of him and what he expected of me. We also agreed that we would not do anything or ask anything of the other that made either the slightest bit uncomfortable. If anyone did get uncomfortable, it was agreed that they would notify the other person.

Tom's and Paul's approach impresses me much more than a lot of unplanned stupidness that I have seen people do in an apparent effort to impress. I am lax myself and need to try to approach how these guys operate.
A couple of pictures....

Well, since someone asked for pictures, here are a couple that were taken by Larry (and used without his permission) that show what you might expect on such an interesting tour....

Here is the entrance to "Hidden Cave", somewhere in the beautiful Guadalupe Mountains. This surface crevice requires a 40 foot rappel down to a ledge where you then rappel further into the cave.

Here are local cave experts Larry and Louise, trying to decide who gets to throw Paul into the crevice.... ;)

"OK Larry, Paul's in the hole, let's coil up the rope and go home!" :p

When you get underground, this is what it is like...

And finally, what goes down, must go back up....climbing would be much easier with wings and some horsepower! (It's been a lot of years since my technical climbing days...)