
I'm New Here
Hi all,

I was looking for a good way to draw the complete wiring schematic of my -7A project. I'm pretty proficient with Eagle for other work I do, so I gave it a shot. Here is a link to the .pdf result (so far), the schematic (.sch file), and the library of parts I created (.lbr file). http://powersafetech.com/rvlist/Hopefully this is helpful to others as well!


Here's the individual links for convenience:
- PDF: http://powersafetech.com/rvlist/Wiring_RV7A.pdf
- Schematic: http://powersafetech.com/rvlist/Wiring_R7A.sch
- Parts Library:http://powersafetech.com/rvlist/avionics.lbr

Also, I swaped the black and white pdf for the color one I'd intended to post. Plotting the B&W is less expensive, so that's what I printed for use in the shop.
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Hi all,

I was looking for a good way to draw the complete wiring schematic of my -7A project. I'm pretty proficient with Eagle for other work I do, so I gave it a shot. Here is a link to the .pdf result (so far), the schematic (.sch file), and the library of parts I created (.lbr file). http://http://powersafetech.com/rvlist/Hopefully this is helpful to others as well!


Looks nice,
Your link has an extra http in there.

Were you using a freeware version of Eagle? Or perhaps a better question, would it matter, with your schematic, if the freeware version of Eagle was used?

Welcome to VAF!

to the good ship VAF.

Good to have you aboard.
Mike, it looks great -- and I've swiped your Eagle library. :) Thanks! I also use Eagle extensively for other things, and this will help tremendously when it comes time to do my planning and wiring diagram.
Eagle Schematic for Wiring Diagrams


I used the freeware version of Eagle to create the schematic I posted.

Everyone is welcome to do what they like with these files as far as I'm concerned. I make no warranty about their correctness (though I hope they are!) I created them with no outside help or input, so these are free to use. I referenced the original documentation, where available, for each part I modeled. There are some parts I modeled where I left off pins that were reserved by or not used by the manufacturer. Parts modeled were for my panel, which has a lot of stuff on it.

For my -7A, we are finishing the canopy right now. Still have interior, wheel pants, and outside finishing work to do.

Anyway, good luck, good wiring, and happy aviating!