
Well Known Member
I will be setting up my aux battery to drive the EFIS, EI and 430. I am wondering if the 430W has diodes on the two power inputs to keep power from flowing out the lower voltage input. I assume it's there, but wanted to be sure. Otherwise I'll use diodes before the 430.


I think the docs say to wire the inputs together, since it takes two pins to get the current to the device. It isn't an alternate power source.

Thanks. I remember that for the comm power, but didn't remember that on the GPS connector. It only take 2-3 amps, so surprised they want two pins. Though I suppose the HD pins carry less current than the standard. I'll take a look at the manual again.

Here's the diagram for input power, from the 430W manual rev M, January 2016.


And the notes corresponding to it:


The main board can be powered by two separate busses (earlier comment about needing two pins per input is valid). Com and Nav only have one input (again, Com has two pins).

There is a note about connecting all inputs to the same bus, but I have to assume that means all three except for "Aircraft Power 2". Maybe someone can chime in.
Thanks Alex, I thought that the main board had a power 1 & 2 and now know they have internal diodes.

I guess I was half right. Each power input is on two pins. But there are two inputs each having two pins. I didn't see the second power pair.