Dave, thanks for the list!

Presidential candidate John McCain voted FOR user fees? Well, there's one off my list.

This is the classified section. Are you selling this list? Or is this just a subtle hint that pretty soon everything is going to cost us to use, even infomation. :)

thallock said:
Or is this just a subtle hint that pretty soon everything is going to cost us to use, even infomation. :)
We are already paying for information and have been for a long time now. What do you think that payment to AT&T, Cox, NetZero, AOL, etc. go for if not for your access to information? :D
Klobuchar Voice Mail Full

I am a Minnesotan and I called both my Senators to ask them to support the Nelson-Sununu Ammendment. I was able to get thru to Norm Coleman's Office, but got a message at Amy Klobuchar's Office that the Voicemail was full and no message could be left.
what user fees

ive been hung up on the price of car fuel to much to worry about user fees.
3.09 per gal. this is absolutely friggin rediculous. makes me want to sell my project of 4 years. :mad: and double :mad: for user fees. and now i am debating the panel $$$$$ wondering if i want to give up that cash just to be able to have a plane to wash cause i wont be able to fuel it. or do touch and go's...arghhhhh
sorry its getting a little overwhelming, had to cry to someone :rolleyes:

I really supprised Ted Stevens from Alaska would support user fees.

Actually I know nothing of Ted. But, I would expect any represenative of Alaska to support the livelyhood of that state, which is general aviation(and fish), and not support any fees what-so-ever.
