
I 'borrowed' this from the RV-10 yahoo list...thought it would be beneficial to have here as well.

Msg #6375
From: Tim Olson <tim@M...>
Date: Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:18 pm
Subject: Useful measurements for determining workspace required

Hi all,

I've tried to gather some measurements for the new and rospective
builders, so they know what to plan for workspace requirements. Randy was nice enough to measure his fuse for me, so we have a good idea of the space these things will take up as you're building.

All dimensions are MAX including anything sticking out. An attempt was made to measure the widest measurement you'd need to fit these things in an area.

108"L x 36"W x 37"H

152"L x 57"W x 9.5"H
The wings include the length and width with the flaps attached. Reduce by about 9"W and 2"L if you remove the flap. The flap attach brackets will still stick out though.

Horizontal Stab
134"L x 20.5"W x 4"H

The Elevator, Vertical Stab, and Rudder are all small enough to
fit through any door that a person can.

Firewall to Tailcone 115" Width 57" from ends of wing center section Height 52" Add about 18" for engine mount.

By the time you join your tailcone to your fuselage, you'll need about 18.5' in length for work area. Start adding the engine and you'll need another 3 or 4 feet.

Tim Olson -- RV-10 #170
Wing Kit - Almost Complete
QB Fuse - Coming soon!
'77 Sundowner - Flying
New builder

Hi everyone. My name is Len and I am almost ready to get my first parts from Van. I live in Kelowna, British Columbia up in Canada. I work as an instructor training students to build and repair aircraft. I hope to enlist their help whenever I can fit it into my curriculum. Up here in Canada we pay a premium for all US bought aircraft parts. Where you would pay 11,000.00 we might pay as much as 15,000. It's criminal but I'm desparate to get out of my Cessna 172 and into a faster and more exciting aircraft.

I have a double car garage and this, as well as the space at my college should get things going in a hurry. Thanks for the info.
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I have 16' x 23' to work with, and a hangar to store completed parts. Of the floor space I have available, how much should I reserve for a work bench?
"Where you would pay 11,000.00 we might pay as much as 15,000. "

But you can offset that with less expensive perscription drugs!! :D

I'm in a 20 X 20 garage. Fuse fits on the gear with room for the engine corner to corner JUST FITS.

Welcome aboard.