
Well Known Member
Yaah Hoo!! IFR Ticket! was Chocolate bribe thread

My wife dropped this on the computer desk this morning. The name certainly applies to this group, but I'm really concerned about the weight and balance issues. :D


BTW, wish me luck Sunday morning. I am going for my first try at an instrument checkride. :eek:

And no, I don't think chocolate will make a difference with the examiner. :rolleyes:
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Rescheduled - drat!

Thanks for asking, Groucho.

Rescheduled for this coming Friday. I have to make a 30 minute VFR hop to go see him. My home base was "socked in" just long enough to miss my appointment with the examiner. :mad:

Mixed feelings really. Miffed because I didn't get to do it, but somewhat relieved that I didn't have to do an NDB in the forecast 40 knot winds aloft and related mountain turbulence. :rolleyes:

I went home and sulked in the basement (while working on the seat pan hinges for therapy) :D
AWESOME!!! Congrats!

BTW--the first bike I ever did a ton on was my brothers RZ500. Besides your superb skills as an aviator you definately have good taste in bikes.


Thanks for looking at my MC site, Guy.
I spent a lot of energy on that RZ from 2000 to 2004 with the various customization work. (Engine work, R1 front end, single sided swingarm, electronic gages from a GSXR1000, etc).

It was somewhat fortunate that about the time this project was drawing to a close that my wife said "You need to finish your pilot's license". I did. She likes to fly. Rental headaches got in the way. She says " what does it take to own an airplane"? I said.....""step into my office and look at this nice RV7 picture". :D

I see you are packin' a couple of Zook twins (..er..edit.. Triumph Triples) in the garage. Nice stuff compared to my antiques.
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I see you are packin' a couple of Zook twins in the garage. Nice stuff compared to my antiques.

Actually they're both Triumph Triples. It's nice that we have wives that support our hobbies. There's no way I could build my RV without her support. Sorry to hijack your thread to talk about motorcycles--it's just that I like them almost as well as airplanes.

Congrats Bill!


Nice work on the IFR ticket! congratulations. You've opened up a whole new world of travelling by air for yourself.

The first time you launch out of AVL on an IMC Autumn day and punch thru the tops you will reconnect with why you got your rating. After less than a minute of being on the gages, your ship will carve thru the moisture and suddenly you'll pop out, the sun and blue sky will hurt your eyes. As you look out past the wings you built yourself, the low ceiling that paints everything grey on the ground, will from above will be stark white, a brilliant counter to the orange and reds of the mountain tops sticking thru the foggy sea below. I predict you will let out a victory hoot almost as loud as the one you probably did on your drive home from the check ride last week.

We should have made you drink more of The Thirsty Monk's beer at our impromptu celebration friday night.......! :cool:

N666AT "Lil Snorkey"
RV-8 Fastback
Congratulations! I'm working on my IFR now and I realize what an accomplishment this is!

BTW...How did the examiner like the chocolate?