
I'm New Here
I currently fly a Mooney 1967 M20F and fly yearly down to Central america for fun and am looking for a plane that is not a "2 person airplane". We have to fly over high mountains and density altitude is an issue. With full fuel what is the average useful load and endurance of an RV10? Thanks! Jim
740 lbs. with full fuel
Between 3 and 4 hours depending on your lead foot (holds 60 gallons and you can burn anywhere from 10 - 15 gallons per hour)

Hoss said:
I currently fly a Mooney 1967 M20F and fly yearly down to Central america for fun and am looking for a plane that is not a "2 person airplane". We have to fly over high mountains and density altitude is an issue. With full fuel what is the average useful load and endurance of an RV10? Thanks! Jim