
Well Known Member
Being a frugal guy considering building an RV, one thought that occurred to me was to try to find a used set of RV-building tools since once you finish your RV you won't need them, right? However, having looked fairly far and wide I haven't seen a single one. Am I missing something here as to why builders don't sell used tool kits? Seems like there should be a bunch of them for sale, especially from those folks who decide to sell a kit after realizing they can't or won't build it.

My guess is that the answer for most is that you might need the tools for future repairs/modifications, but that doesn't account for the lack of kits for sale by kit quitters.
I've been reading VAF forum pages for almost four years and saw countless offers of tools and kits here. I think the classified sections has certain timing for eventual delete, couple months or so.

Being frugal guy myself, I started tail kit with minimum hand tools, Martin Sutter at Avery booth in 2006 advised me of necessary tools only for empennage. Money spent was a bit over 400. No power tools I had at that time, files and hacksaw were primary ones. Electrical DeWalt drill too.

Speed of construction was picked up and somehow here I am with engine mounted and still without drill press and bench grinder. Now I have money for fancier and other tools but I do not know if I am going to buy them. Major airframe work is mostly done.

Get only necessary tools, roll the sleeves and go!
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There are some posted for of tools for sale occasionally but it seems it often is because someone is abandoning a project.
Most people that complete an RV tend to keep there tools because they are the same tools that they need to repair/maintain there RV.
Many builders also find that they enjoy the process and decide to keep there tools in case they decide to build again (some also swear they will never build again).
I bought my tools here a few months ago. Although the kit I bought, everything was pretty much new, still in the packaging. There is usually a kit offered, or collections of tools, every week or two.
Try a WTB post

I watched Ebay and searched for "aircraft tools", "rivet gun", and actually found a good starter set labeled as "plane tools"...rivet gun, bucking bar, squeezer, etc...from someone selling an estate. :D

You could also try posting to the Classified Forum with a "WTB Tool Set" heading (Want to Buy). That way someone undecided about selling might decide to sell.

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