Well Known Member
just got my wing kit 2 weeks ago. ailerons done. flaps done. rear spar done. main spar would have if i hadn't broke my only countersink! darn. LOL. new one in the mail.
so i started the ribs. i found 6 of them fluted! and almost as croocked as the rest of them! 3 were done top and bottom, 3 just were on one flange. 2 had been set at 90 degrees, the flanges that is. they were on the money.
anyone else ever gotten used parts? what gives?
Used parts?

just got my wing kit 2 weeks ago. ailerons done. flaps done. rear spar done. main spar would have if i hadn't broke my only countersink! darn. LOL. new one in the mail.
so i started the ribs. i found 6 of them fluted! and almost as croocked as the rest of them! 3 were done top and bottom, 3 just were on one flange. 2 had been set at 90 degrees, the flanges that is. they were on the money.
anyone else ever gotten used parts? what gives?

My RV6 (non-prepunched) came with the lightning holes cut out of the ribs. ALL ribs, including the tank ribs... I have no idea why...

This was before the ribs came with the lighting holes cut out. I bought new end ribs for the tanks and rivited plates over the internal holes.

I have heard someone else talking about having some parts already fluted too.

Maybe they show visitors how to flute during visits?

Dunno... just a guess on my part. I have never been there. I know that if I had people asking questions about my product, it would be easier to show than to explain.

Just a guess.

:confused: CJ
used ribs

My ribs came with a tiny bit of fluting but there was a lot more that was needed to get them straight. it might be part of the manufacturing process.
Not fluted but marked with numbers

Mine were not fluted, but were marked with numbers like someone started identifying them and then sent them back to Vans...I asked Vans about it they said that they didnt know anything about used ribs...:confused:
My guess is that some people start the process and get overwelmed and quit building.
Working on 7A wing stands
One of my F-7114's came to me with rattle-can primer already on it. :confused: It's otherwise unmolested, so I guess I'll keep it...

Mine were not fluted, but were marked with numbers like someone started identifying them and then sent them back to Vans...
I had the same experience with 2 out of 12 flap nose ribs and a single aileron rib. The plastic was off, they were written on in big black sharpie, and were in generally rough, ugly shape. First thought "those aren't going on my plane"... I picked up replacement parts on some random Vans order sometime during the build. Not sure why they are shipping what "appears" to be used parts.
Maybe they are leftovers that get shipped back from the Phillipines or somthing like that with the quick build's.

Just a guess..