Well Known Member
I enjoyed my RV12 build so much I took the plunge on another kit plane. This one is not as complete as the RV12, panel and FWF are up to me. I'll be using a Rotax 912ULS and a panel very similar to the RV12.

I"m posting a little early, but this summer I will be in the market for a used D180 if any of you are interested in upgrading to the Skyview when it becomes available.

Thanks, Gary
What's the new kit? Hopefully you will be still enjoying the -12!

EDIT: saw that you have it in your Signature... How Highlander looking compared to the -12? Other than the completeness of course.
Brian, I'm keeping the RV12, I own it with an outstanding partner. My wife likes it, too, we're taking it up to No California in 10 days. It is fun to fly and gets 29 mpg at 100 mph.

Highlander is a burly, tube and fabric taildragger built to LSA specs. I'm building it to do off-airport work.

I think these LSA machines are the GA air transportation of the future. Not quite as comfortable as a full size, but they are easy to work on and very economical to operate. For a 2 seater insurance is inexpensive, too.

Gary, did you consider the Criquit Storch by any chance? I saw the Highlander fly and while it appears to be great on short fields I don't think it is as capable as the Storch. Friend of mine bought a Storch recently and it gets in or out in less than 100ft.
Dick Seiders