I had originally planned to install all Aeroleds on my -8a and went so far as to purchase the Suntail. Since that decision, Flyleds came out with their integrated NAV/POS/Lndg lite kit for much less than the Aeroled setup. I purchased the Flyled kit and now am wondering how, if it's possible, to connect the Suntail to the Flyleds controller. I am also going to be using a Vertical Power VP-X Sport to control teh landing lights/wig wag as Paul at Flyleds recommends. Any advice or a schematic help would be appreciated.
I?d be selling the Suntail & use the FlyLeds strobe/tail light, I?m sure it?s much brighter too & programable ;)
No claims on brightness either way there Jake. Having run both theirs and ours side by side I can personally vouch that they both hurt to look at!

Follow the Suntail instructions, which would essentially be to wire it directly to your panel switches, ignoring the Flyleds controller.

The Flyleds Kit tail light will flash in sequence with the wingtip strobes, whereas the Suntail will strobe away to it's own tune, so to speak.
The Flyleds Stand Alone tail light flashes out various patterns that would also be out of sync with the wingtips.

I had a suntail on my last airplane, and yes it was bright. But no brighter than the tail light from FlyLeds, and it cost more than 3 times as much. I would sell the suntail here for 200 bucks, buy the F-L tail light and pocket the difference. Then you would have a totally compatible system.