
I'm New Here
Not sure if this okay to post a link but here goes

GoPro was DOA so did a video of Open Source based synthetic vision over the Grand Canyon. FlightGear, an Open Source simulation system hacked and driven off a Garmin G5 et al to set position and view over the canyon with the Special Flight Rules "walls" for reference.

Be about may or June before codes are clean to publish but in the mean time...
enjoy the rough eye candy.

How long until the synthetic vision can be linked to a VR headset instead of a tablet screen? My 13 year old keeps telling me that should be a “thing” every time we practice instrument flying.
VR issue

The VR issue goes back to the beginning...the very NASA/AMES and the original synthetic vision development. Crux, you have to track/know the position of the head and in true SV you have to track the position/pointing of the eyes...

In a static environment accelerometers and rate gyros might get you going, but in flight...a tad harder....

not that it hasn't been solved....

I think the soviets did in their helmat mounted look and shoot targeting....but I have plenty of small dragons to slay in the virtual "Alice's Wonderland"...

If you wait long enough the cost of the technology comes down to when mere mortals can play with it....
... FlightGear, an Open Source simulation system hacked and driven off a Garmin G5 et al to set position and view over the canyon with the Special Flight Rules "walls" for reference.

Phil, very cool - I really like the "walls" - that's going to be really useful for those of us that fly in complex airspace. Thankfully our controllers are helpful.

Complex Airspace over LSGG.png