David Carter

Well Known Member
I'm looking for ideas, and pictures, of where people have mounted USB ports other than on the panel in an RV-7A or similar.

I'm finding that I have an ever-growing number of devices that could use a USB port. I recently added two Aithre Illyrian pulse oxygen sensors & their Altus Meso oxygen tank pressure monitor. Each is USB-powered, and each comes with its own small USB power bank. Cumbersome to say the least. I'd like to ditch the power banks & plug these into USB ports somewhere in between the seats, if possible.

I'm not a builder, so I'm not sure if there's room in the flap motor housing or not.

As an aside, I used one of the Illyrians & the Altus for over 5 hours at up to 15,500 on Saturday. It was nice to have my O2 levels & remaining tank pressure displayed on the iPad.



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