
Active Member
GRT Horizon updates by flash drive are periodically a pain. The drive is not always found when using the connectors on the panels. When you use the connector on the back of the unit everything goes well.

I believe the jump cable from the back of the unit to the panel is not remaining secure. Too many bounced landings? (smile) Anyway, by resetting the cable in the unit and the panel connectors everything goes well.

Is there a way to better secure the jump cable, tighten up the USB plug?
Maybe you could try another jumper cable. I had the two jumper cables on the Horizon, and one on the Mini running to the panel on my RV4, and never had a problem doing monthly updates over a two year period. I got my jumper cables on Amazon. They seemed very secure once plugged in.
I’ve had to replace the cables tool.

Also get the newer small memory sticks. Physically big ones vibrate and cause the cable to fail.

Jim Butcher
I have a GRT 10.1 Horizon it has 2 USB ports maybe one will fit tighter than the other. I did install a cable and leave it pugged in. I don't leave my memory stick in, I plug it in, install the updates and remove it.
I made a small, L-shaped bracket and attached the short leg to the EFIS adjacent to the USB socket. I then use a tie wrap to secure the USB cable to the long side of the bracket. It has worked for both of my displays for the past 15 years.

Whenever I remove the EFIS, I just cut the tie wrap and replace it upon reinstallation. The only problem I've found is when I forget to grab a new tie wrap before climbing into the cockpit to screw the panel back in!

Merry Christmas,
A little dab will do ya

I used a USB receptacle similar to what Bob Leffler used above but after plugging it into the back of my GRT Sport I covered the connection with a layer of silicone sealant to keep it tight. ;) Haven’t had any problems in 2 years since first flight.
I figured if I hadn’t secured it in some way a few bumpy landings would loosen it and it would disconnect . :eek:
As a little added advice, if any trouble with your GRT device crops up just pop a flash drive into the UBS slot in the instrumental panel and put the device into record mode. Then if sent by email to the engineers at GRT they can quickly diagnose any problems you might have. It worked very well for me on a intermitting problem and I always have a flash drive ready just in case of any future problems.
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