Good Luck and Clear Skies!

Will be following closer your flight plan.
Learn from that and maybe do it one day.
From Rio to my hometown would be just about another 1 1/2 hours on the RV. :D
Hi Folks,

Our trip is coming up in a month. We are heading south from Madison, WI to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and plan to have a blast. I'll be posting updates in this thread and videos on YouTube.

Intro Video:

Please join us by watching, commenting, etc! :)

10,000mi to go!

Great news, Guil. I?ll be looking forward to meeting you in Brasilia or Luziania. Fly safe.:D
Nice trip

Looking like an excellent adventure. Think you may be a bit ambitious on your turn and burn times once you leave North America and find they are all on island time but its vacation time so who cares. Good luck, will we watching posts.

Blue skies.
Looks like an awesome trip. Good luck to you, Ill follow along on your journey! Is a good time to get out of Wisconsin and go somewhere warm!
Hey Folks,

We are well along on the trip. Spending 2 nights in Grenada before continuing south into Brazil tomorrow. Videos have been going up almost nightly of timelapses of the flights so you can see every minute of the trip :)

Leaving Florida for the Bahamas was a lot of fun:

Many more on our youtube and instagram feeds:

A big thanks to Garmin and Continental Motors for helping with the adventure!
Really enjoying the videos. I just finished my first day from Sacramento to Plainview, Texas and tried the time lapse function. Mine only has a 1s setting and I haven't taken a look yet. Keep your posts coming. They are fantastic!!
Awesome trip

Love the time lapse dual screen format and the slowdowns for the cool shots. Have a great trip!
Awesome trip, enjoying watching your videos. It's great to see how capable these aircraft are.