
Well Known Member
Guys....need some help. I've found a paint shop in Canada (Penticton, BC) that I'm interested in.... I'd be flying from Coeur d'Alene, ID to Penticton, BC....about 1 1/2 hour flight.

Any ideas of what is required.....I have registered on on line for a eAPIS account...

I'm mainly concerned with not irritating my Canadian brothers...

Remember that the destination country has to agree to an EAB or LSA in their airspace. Might be a case of don't ask, don't tell, but it would suck if they grounded your airplane there.

Don't have my "Canada file" with me. But, in addition to those sources, I recall finding a Transport Canada webpage that confirms they recognize US experimentals (including LSAs). If I recall there is a letter that you can print out and keep with you that confirms that if you get ramp checked... which is really never going to happen. I've flown into/out of Canada for over 10 years in small aircraft and have never had to show anything more than my passport ...and that was just once. Usually don't even meet a border agent.

If you don't have CANPASS already setup (which I assume is the case) you will likely have to clear at a Canadian airport of entry first. Not sure if Penticton is one or not. You call the same CANPASS pre-clearance number and give all your information. CANPASS is useful if you travel there more regularly and opens up a lot more airports. Your return trip to the US is a little more complicated, but the AOPA website describes the steps.
Penticton customs work Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday the nearest port of entry is Kelowna, about 15 RV minutes north. If you need to go to Kelowna arrange to clear customs on Ramp 3 (flying club) rather than going to the FBO who charges a ramp fee as soon as you taxi onto his lease. Penticton has no such issues.

Be sure to file your US exit "eapis" and contact CANPASS (1 888 canpass) at least two hours ahead to arrange customs.

Walter does good work but it does take time...

I'm based in Penticton and if you happen to be here, our club has Thursday morning coffee ~1000 just across the parking area from the paint shop...

Amateur built a/c cross all the time, but I cannot comment on LS. As others have said COPA and AOPA have good info online. It's worthwhile printing a copy of the agreement on their websites though I've never been asked for it.
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Amateur built a/c cross all the time, but I cannot comment on LS. As others have said COPA and AOPA have good info online. It's worthwhile printing a copy of the agreement on their websites though I've never been asked for it.

Not just "worthwhile" but required. :)

From my previous link...

a copy of this validation shall be carried on board the aircraft when operating in Canadian airspace;

Crossing the border should definitely be done with RTFM in mind.
I've crossed several times at Penticton - pretty easy if you do it during regular hours. The return you can stop at Oroville and the US customs people will drive out from the highway station to check you.

Just be sure to fill your entry eapis, get a reply, and call customs at port of entry at least 1 hr ahead going to US.

They do not like surprises...
Penticton customs work Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday the nearest port of entry is Kelowna, about 15 RV minutes north. If you need to go to Kelowna arrange to clear customs on Ramp 3 (flying club) rather than going to the FBO who charges a ramp fee as soon as you taxi onto his lease. Penticton has no such issues.

Be sure to file your US exit "eapis" and contact CANPASS (1 888 canpass) at least two hours ahead to arrange customs.

Walter does good work but it does take time...

I'm based in Penticton and if you happen to be here, our club has Thursday morning coffee ~1000 just across the parking area from the paint shop...

Amateur built a/c cross all the time, but I cannot comment on LS. As others have said COPA and AOPA have good info online. It's worthwhile printing a copy of the agreement on their websites though I've never been asked for it.

Ron....really appreciate the heads-up. Would have been a headache @ Penticton to find customs shut down. We should be @ Walter's around 10am tomorrow (Saturday). If you stop by I'd share a cup of "Joe" or tea��
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Unfortunately, got 2 funerals tomorrow.

Check by the club, might be someone about...


All went well.....the "total exercise" was very interesting. Our Canadian brothers seem much more formal in radio procedures & flight planning than us yanks...

When I called Penticton traffic....I was rather well chewed out that I was speaking to "Penticton Radio"!!!

The main thing F-16 escort launched when I crossed the border😎
You're not alone, I got chewed out similarly. The Salmon Arm airport does not have a tower or radio so we just call out to "Salmon Arm traffic". So one day I'm about to enter the Kelowna control zone and I mistakenly called "Kelowna traffic". The tower was quite snotty about telling me there is no "Kelowna traffic" and wouldn't clear me through the zone until i said "Kelowna tower".

Oh so sorry for such a HUGE mistake!!
All went well.....the "total exercise" was very interesting. Our Canadian brothers seem much more formal in radio procedures & flight planning than us yanks...

When I called Penticton traffic....I was rather well chewed out that I was speaking to "Penticton Radio"!!!

The main thing F-16 escort launched when I crossed the border😎

We don't have F16s. If you don't do the entry procedures properly we will scramble our Harvard (T6 to you Yanks) if it isn't in the shop.

I am pretty sure a Harvard can catch an RV. It can certainly make WAY more noise. Once we do catch it I'm not sure what we will do then. Harvards don't have guns. I guess he'll make very rude gestures.
We don't have F16s. If you don't do the entry procedures properly we will scramble our Harvard (T6 to you Yanks) if it isn't in the shop.

I am pretty sure a Harvard can catch an RV. It can certainly make WAY more noise. Once we do catch it I'm not sure what we will do then. Harvards don't have guns. I guess he'll make very rude gestures.

You might catch me straight and level; but if I can make to the low level nape of the earth flying skills...would be fun😎

All kidding aside, had a fantastic time and everyone was very helpful... Nothing worse than a "rusty-45 years since last flight old fart" trying to deal with all the changes in airspace and procedures.
Beware, Canucks! We only tell everybody that's a pitot tube coming out of our spinners. Let us get into your six and find out the truth!😜
Don't threaten us or we'll bring out our tank!

You shouldn't have let the secret out...only Van's provides for loading 22 cal birdshot; and it takes 50 rounds to shot down one Candian Goose....leaving the rest of the flock very angry😎
When it runs

Jim, you're on to something! They do have shale oil and more importantly Canadian Club! I say we invade for the whiskey!👍