
Well Known Member
I have a pair of Upper Main Intersection Fairings from Fairings-etc.

I didn't get any specific drawings/instructions for the upper fairings but I did for the lower so I think I should have because me and another rv8 builder/flyer sure do wonder how the upper rear section is supposed to mate with the wing root rubber seal.

Bob doesn't have any pictures of that particular area for an RV-8 on his website and it's unique in the RV design. Would someone in RV8 land that used his fairings softcopy me the instructions/drawings/pictures of what it's supposed to look like finished and where it's supposed to attach and how and all the normal questions?

I read that some had a large gap between the leading or trailing edges of the gear leg fairings and the upper intersections fairings and I can confirm I do too. I plan on slicing open the back of the intersections fairings trim away the excess and re-close the ends back together where they should be all along.

I don't have my wings on yet. When trial fitting the upper fairings have a large gap on the upper rear side. In other words, they don't touch the fuse but everywhere else does.

I have some decent phots that show the gaps but I get a typical computer "BS" type error when I try to upload as in:

Warning: filesize(): Stat failed for C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\php61D.tmp (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in \includes\functions_file.php on line 286

yeah, whatever.
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Hey Lucky

I just finished painting my -8 on Friday, and have been away all weekend (Thanksgiving up here in the Great White North ;-) I'm putting it back together over the next couple days and will take some pics of those fairings when they are on.

I had a hell of a time getting those fairings to fit. They weren't even close when they arrived from Fairings Etc. Needed lots of surgery.
