Joe Parish

Well Known Member
Is it possible to upload a flight plan from an iPad with Garmin pilot to a Dynon Skyview? I know you can with foreflight. Thanks Joe
I'm not sure Garmin Pilot is supported yet...

From the Dynon Wifi Page:
Dynon Avionics said:
SkyView can now connect to: Seattle Avionics FlyQ, ForeFlight Mobile, PocketFMS EasyVFR, OzRunways, and SkyDemon iOS/Android apps, via Wi-Fi.

I have a WiFi adapter on order to use it with OzRunways and will report back what does/doesn't work next week once I've had a chance to play around with it.
So a bit of a follow-up, my Wifi adapter turned up yesterday and I installed it today. After getting the Ipad & Skyview talking to eachother I was unable to get any communication to/from OzRunways. I have the OzRunways Hybrid VFR charts installed & working happily, and had a plan active on OzRunways on the Ipad, but there was no option to upload that to SkyView.

So for now, I have an email in to the tech guys at OzRunways to see just what functionality the Wifi adapter gives.

EDIT: So I heard back from the OzRunways guys and they do not have any Wifi interoperability with SkyView at present, only the existing Hybrid VFR charts.
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Avplan does...

Hi have both Ozrunways and Avplan subscriptions but only Avplan will export to Skyview.

Works great with good mapping on the Skyview. The approach plates on my Skyview put the GTN750 to shame. At nearly $2700AUD for the plates in Australia verse $99.00AUD for Avplan on the Skyview!!
I really like all the weather info and how to find it on Avplan.

I still have to use the "Mark one" finger on the GTN to load flight plans. The Garmin maps available in Australia are very ordinary and lack any real topical info.
I spoke with many Garmin reps at Oshkosh last year and they were not interested in the plight of those DownUnder. (Avidyne is working on the wi-fi Flight Plan transfer from Avplan and were great to talk with )
I probably won't be renewing Oz-Runways.

From the good folk at OzRunways - WiFi transfer to SkyView looks like a goer! I'll report back tomorrow after I test it out!


EDIT: So a bit of a followup - I tried to use this today, and could not work out how to export the flightplan to SkyView in any documentation. The Ipad was connected to SkyViews WiFi dongle, and I discovered and tried the method subsequently described by the OzRunway's folks, but I couldn't make it work. In saying that, I have firmware 15.0, the OzR folks tested it with 15.2, so I can't say if that caused the issue, but I will update SkyView before flying again. The Ipad is running iOS9 and 6.2.1 of OzRunways.

To export your OzRunways plan to SkyView, you need to have a plan active in OzR, press the Share icon in the top right (looks like a box with an upwards pointing arrow) and Dynon SkyView should be available as an option under the Print button.
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So a bit of a followup - I tried to use this today, and could not work out how to export the flightplan to SkyView in any documentation. The Ipad was connected to SkyViews WiFi dongle, and I discovered and tried the method subsequently described by the OzRunway's folks, but I couldn't make it work. In saying that, I have firmware 15.0, the OzR folks tested it with 15.2, so I can't say if that caused the issue, but I will update SkyView before flying again. The Ipad is running iOS9 and 6.2.1 of OzRunways.

To export your OzRunways plan to SkyView, you need to have a plan active in OzR, press the Share icon in the top right (looks like a box with an upwards pointing arrow) and Dynon SkyView should be available as an option under the Print button.
A Follow-up to the follow-up, I upgraded SkyView from 15.0 to 15.2 yesterday, am running Version 6.2 of OzRunways and despite multiple attempts, cannot get OzRunways to share the plan with the Dynon. The hamster-wheel-of-death does its' thing when you press the "Share" button, but that's as far as it goes. I'm in touch with the OzR guys to see what's going on and will report back if/when I get it working. :(

EDIT: Another follow-up follow-up. The OzRunways guru's have discovered what the problem is in my situation. Basically the way the particular piece of wifi code is written means it won't work properly in iOS9 at present. The good news is they ca easily re-write it, and will include the modified code in the next software release, that should be out in a couple of weeks. Can't ask for better customer service than that! :D

EDIT2: I got back from work after updating my OzRunways while I was away AND IT WORKS NOW! You can transfer your flight plan from an iPad2 running iOS9 to SkyView.
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