
I'm New Here
Hi guys,

we are looking at buying an already built RV-12 ULS and we're excited about it. By the same time, we are absolutely new to the topic (just finishing the PPL) and as we looked into the aircraft, some of the things looked rather outdated. Therefore, we started talking about what could be changed and what not. On our dreamlist are quite a few things which were modified in the iS version which made us hope there may be an "easy" upgrade without touching the structure of the airplane:

- changing from D-180 to HDX SkyView with two screens and a new auto pilot panel (I read, power supply may be an issue)
- changing the grips to include trim, radio button and autopilot disengage
- replace the pull-push-throttle by the new throttle lever in the middle console
- install electric flaps (I read this may be impossible?)
- boost the engine a bit to achieve improved climb rates and higher speed (potentially with edge performance?), But this isn't the priority
- adding traffic and weather to the system (we are located in Germany, where ADS-B does not show weather for who knows what reasons)
- creating a connection to upload flight plans to the new system

So good so far. Has anyone done something of that already and can share some experiences, recommendations and sources of more detailed information. We don't need or want to do this all at once and it's nothing to urging as the aircraft itself is already awesome, but some dreams are in the back of our heads...

I will write blue


we are looking at buying an already built RV-12 ULS and we're excited about it. By the same time, we are absolutely new to the topic (just finishing the PPL) and as we looked into the aircraft, some of the things looked rather outdated. Therefore, we started talking about what could be changed and what not. On our dreamlist are quite a few things which were modified in the iS version which made us hope there may be an "easy" upgrade without touching the structure of the airplane:

- changing from D-180 to HDX SkyView with two screens and a new auto pilot panel (I read, power supply may be an issue)
sure, if money doesnt matter
- changing the grips to include trim, radio button and autopilot disengage
easiest of your wishes

- replace the pull-push-throttle by the new throttle lever in the middle console
not sure, lots of work and money, I see no benefit

- install electric flaps (I read this may be impossible?)
not sure, lots of work and money, the LBA might object

- boost the engine a bit to achieve improved climb rates and higher speed (potentially with edge performance?), But this isn't the priority
this would need much paperwork, also you would say 13000Euros goodby

- adding traffic and weather to the system (we are located in Germany, where ADS-B does not show weather for who knows what reasons)
Why not install a nice Ipad or android tablet???

- creating a connection to upload flight plans to the new system

So good so far. Has anyone done something of that already and can share some experiences, recommendations and sources of more detailed information. We don't need or want to do this all at once and it's nothing to urging as the aircraft itself is already awesome, but some dreams are in the back of our heads...

Before you loose yourself in dreams, talk to the OUV, Germany's aquivalent of EAA. Changing major components after certification is not as easy as it seems. If you like buy it and fly it. If you feel like changing much, buy something else!

If you like buy it and fly it. If you feel like changing much, buy something else!

I concur with this. You could easily spend more than the cost difference of buying a newer airplane trying to update this one, and it would take a long time to complete - a long time during which you're not flying. Replacing the Dynon with something newer, for instance, would also require a significant amount of rewiring, which is not a trivial task in the older airframe. These things tend to turn into much more work than we imagine when we start...
‘Outdated’ is a relative term. My 12 has a D180, G5, 420W, and a Trig radio and transponder. It’s quite modern compared my three previous aircraft!

‘Outdated’ is a relative term. My 12 has a D180, G5, 420W, and a Trig radio and transponder. It’s quite modern compared my three previous aircraft!


I flew J-3 Cub for 23 years and then traded for early SN flying RV-12.

“Such things they have these days…”


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I am flying a RV-12iS with some of the things that are on your wishlist, and did my transition training on a RV-12.

- changing from D-180 to HDX SkyView with two screens and a new auto pilot panel (I read, power supply may be an issue). One screen is fine, with Skydemon on an iPad as 2nd screen. The extra AP panel is nice, but certainly not necessary.

- changing the grips to include trim, radio button and autopilot disengage. Nice and easy

- replace the pull-push-throttle by the new throttle lever in the middle console
I have a throttle lever in the middle, but I am not sure if the pull-push-throttle isn't the better option.

- install electric flaps (I read this may be impossible?).
I find the mechanical flaps superior to the electric flaps (apart from some finger damage in the beginning)

- boost the engine a bit to achieve improved climb rates and higher speed (potentially with edge performance?), But this isn't the priority. Forget about it.

- adding traffic and weather to the system (we are located in Germany, where ADS-B does not show weather for who knows what reasons)
Install AT-1 "Air Traffic"

- creating a connection to upload flight plans to the new system. That works very nice with Skyview (with a WIFI dongle) and Skydemon, but I don't know if it works with the D-180.
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Amen, Dave! Being about 54 days from my 70th birthday I am facing the reality that my flying days are numbered. I’d rather spend them “touching the face of God” than sweating in the PHX heat McGyvering upgrades. Maybe if I was 30 I’d have a different view.