
Well Known Member
I'm coming up to October when my condition inspection is due. I'm toying with the idea of doing some of the upgrades that are on my list:

1. Smoke System
2. Replacing Cleveland wheels & brakes w/ Grove - for better stopping power
3. P-Mag
4. GTN650
5. Paint

They are listed in order of cost, and not necessarily desire :)

- If I were to do the wheels, should I go with magnesium or aluminum for the mains, and tube or tubeless for the nose wheel (optional)?

- Would the P-Mag make a big difference on an O-360? The Slicks have about 400hrs, and I'm beginning to see a larger drop on the left / impulse mag.
Dual pMags will make a noticeable improvement in starting and reduction of cruise LOP fuel burn. My new engine from Lycoming will arrive in a week or so with one pMag installed, and the other hole empty but prepped for the second pMag. I have 700 flawless hours on dual pMags in an 8A and consider this one of the best values out there.

I have 400 hours (much of it IFR time) behind the GTN-650 in the RV-10 and will not install it in the new RV-8 project. Instead I will be installing the Avidyne IFD550. The IFD550 is about the same cost as the GTN-650 (ignore the list prices). The GTN-650 works but is clunky and way too much button smashing to do routine stuff. That and my GTN-650 arrived with two "known" problems that I had to fix on my dime, then a hard failure. All in the first 12 months of service (but after the warrantee period that started after purchase). Recommend you call Rob Hickman at Advanced Flight Sytems to discuss.

Charley, I can give you my experience with converting from Cleveland to the Grove brakes. The dual caliper arrangement of the Groves will require you to glass in a small "bump" in the wheel pants to accommodate the lower caliper. Not much of a bump, and it's barely noticeable, but will require some glass work and repainting. The difference in stopping power is significant. I was warned about a possible nose over, but I think these concerns are overblown.

I went with the aluminum wheels and the Airstop tubes. Have had the Groves now for a couple of years and they've been perfect.

EDIT: Oops, you have an 8A, disregard the comment about nose over!
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