Bob Y

Well Known Member
For those interested, Van?s just posted updates to Sections 26 & 32. Would be great if it were possible to subscribe to notifications when updates were posted.
Maybe try a service like this?

I did quick google search and found these folks ...

There are several other sites that offer the same service.

You are alerted to changes on the Vansaircraft site/page of interest.

Hope that helps.:)

Best, T
Thanks for the suggestion. I was pretty excited when I tried it, but it apparently doesn?t like something about that url. Neither the visual, text or web compare modes will work. Thanks again though. If you got it to work for you, let me know.
The page you went to is for the original RV-12. The change is for the RV-12 iS.

That is because as advanced work is being done by Greg towards eventually updating the web site, the RV-12 and RV-12iS have been split out into their own tab on the service information page.
Now builders of the two models don't have to determine whether a particular release applies to their airplane or not. If it apply to both, it will be posted in both, etc.
Refreshing this thread.. more updates as of 12/17/18 for RV12iS:

Sections: 12, 17, 22 23, 24, 29 and 37.