
Well Known Member
Has anyone here bought an EFlyBook unit?

I was wondering if they can load the free PDF downloads recently mentioned on the site (and, I don't see the post any more so I don't know the link).

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As far as I know you cannot directly make your own updates to the eFlyBook because of the OEM software installed.

HOWEVER, for less than the cost of an eFlyBook, you can buy a iLead from iRex (in Germany), which is the exact hardware the eFlyBook is based on. You can then load the digital-Terminal Procedures Publications (dTPP) PDF file. I have both a first and second generation iRex, and love them both very much.

In addition to providing you with dTPP, the regular iRex also provides e-book reading, including the mobipocket secured e-books, which includes most new commercial releases.

You could also go with something like the jinke Hanlin V2 or V3 (I have the V3 and really like it) reader. On the downside its a little smaller than the iLead, but a LOT less expensive.

Unfortunately, there is currently no software (of which I am aware) to automagically update the TPPs each month. I would like to write some (in my spare time -- actually now that Oshkosh is happening, I may have a little spare time). I have not written it so far, however, as last time I asked around it seemed like there was little or no interest in a little program to automatically dump plates to an iLead/V3/Sony Reader etc.

In any case, I do love using eInk for plates, and expect to see more of it in the future.
Awesome! Now I'll just have to hunt this site for the earlier post where someone had consolidated all the charts in large PDFs...
Take a look at this thread:

I've been using the Sony Ready, and as long as you plan far enough ahead for the access time (it is NOT a fast processor), it works great for carrying an entire continent worth of charts that you MIGHT need (but probably never will....). The Nacomatic web site gives you plates bundled by state into pdf "books", and he updates them every cycle.

This year, I got rid of my box of plates from Air Chart Systems, and just ordered the update service, Then I downloaded the entire country worth of plates from Nacomatic in May (which corresponds to the start of Air Charts year), and uploaded them into my Reader. Now all I have to carry to be be legal is the reader and the update sheet from Air Charts.

(Operational Disclaimer - When making a trip, I usually print out the plates for my departure and destination as part of my trip pack - I use the Reader as a backup library in case I have to divert.)

Thanks Paul

Take a look at this thread:

. Now all I have to carry to be be legal is the reader and the update sheet from Air Charts.

(Operational Disclaimer - When making a trip, I usually print out the plates for my departure and destination as part of my trip pack - I use the Reader as a backup library in case I have to divert.)


OK I'm being a bit slow here...If you have the current plates in the reader why do you need the update sheet from aircharts in order to be legal?

Are you talking about the enroute chart??


OK I'm being a bit slow here...If you have the current plates in the reader why do you need the update sheet from aircharts in order to be legal?

I only update the Reader charts once a year Frank - the download of the full set takes several (very boring) hours, so I just use the same files all year, with the paper updates from Air Charts. The paper update is cumulative - every time it comes out, you get all the updates from the start of the year - and you would be shocked at how few changes actually occur throughout the system in a year - and you've been throwing away all those good trees all the time!

(Operational Disclaimer - When making a trip, I usually print out the plates for my departure and destination as part of my trip pack - I use the Reader as a backup library in case I have to divert.)

Ditto, usually. I may also load just the plates I'm likely to use into a folder on the iLead and then they are really easy to get to -- easier that the big "chapters" of states.

A further correction to my earlier post. At Oshkosh I spoke to the eFlyBook guys. You can have an iLead unit, which, for $200 (ish) you upgrade to the eFlyBook software, but still have your own, custom iLead software (i.e. SDK, Word Reader, etc) installed. He said they had one or two guys with that setup.

~ Christopher

As far as I know you cannot directly make your own updates to the eFlyBook because of the OEM software installed.

HOWEVER, for less than the cost of an eFlyBook, you can buy a iLead from iRex (in Germany), which is the exact hardware the eFlyBook is based on. You can then load the digital-Terminal Procedures Publications (dTPP) PDF file. I have both a first and second generation iRex, and love them both very much.

In addition to providing you with dTPP, the regular iRex also provides e-book reading, including the mobipocket secured e-books, which includes most new commercial releases.

You could also go with something like the jinke Hanlin V2 or V3 (I have the V3 and really like it) reader. On the downside its a little smaller than the iLead, but a LOT less expensive.

Unfortunately, there is currently no software (of which I am aware) to automagically update the TPPs each month. I would like to write some (in my spare time -- actually now that Oshkosh is happening, I may have a little spare time). I have not written it so far, however, as last time I asked around it seemed like there was little or no interest in a little program to automatically dump plates to an iLead/V3/Sony Reader etc.

In any case, I do love using eInk for plates, and expect to see more of it in the future.

I bought an EFlyBook and was disappointed with the EFlyBook software. I loved the The E-Ink screen which was easily visible in direct sunlight so started downloading the NACO PDFs and massaging them for the Iliad. I wanted to use the native Iliad software to get reliability and NOT require the pen for the charts to be usable (That pen is a slippery little devil and if you lose it on the floor somewhere the EFlybook software becomes unusable). I came up with a solution that works on any Iliad/EFlyBook, doesn't require the pen to work, and scales all the charts so they're immediately readable without zooming in. You can see screenshots at
Let me know what you think.

David Chalmers
[email protected]