
Well Known Member
Does anyone know if there is an updated baffle kit (improved cooling) for the RV 7A running an XIO 360? My plane was assembled in 2012 and I'm having cooling issues on even on cruise climb. Ignition timing is correct (no P mags), so I'm starting with the baffling. May add louvers if my baffling passes muster. The plane only has 120hrs on it and everything looks like it was installed yesterday. I've heard that there have been recent improvements in the baffling plans. Thanks
Newer baffle kits may be easier to install but an aluminum box is a box and baffling material is just that. Instead of replacing the whole thing, review the baffle you have for air leaks. Check that it is totally sealed off in every area that you think air should not flow through. Check that the rubber baffling material is laying flat against all cowl surfaces. Most important, check the air inlet ramps and seals around the front of the engine for gaps & leaks, this is the area I see most leaks on planes.
Next, review your engine operating procedures, play with your leaning technique with special note to what it is doing with the CHTs in various phases of flight.
If it is oil temp issues, there are many threads on here for mods to coolers & ducting.
As a last resort consider the louver mod.
Do you know anyone in your area who can help take a look at it? What airport are you based at? If you post some pictures of the engine baffles and the cowling, we might be able to offer some help from here. You should be able to control the cooling better than you are.
A dark hanger and a small flashlight can be very useful in looking for places that air can pass that it shouldn’t be.