Will Bentley

Active Member
I'm about to purchase a Garmin 430 and haven't been able to
locate the update price on Garmin's website. Would one of you
430 owners kindly let me know;

1) If we have to purchase 12 months of updates all at one time or
can we purchase an update for any month we desire, seperately?
(I'm overseas 6 months out of the year and hate to waste 6
months of update costs)

2) What does Garmin charge for the updates (either annually or per
monthly update?)

Just sort of wanted to find out all expenses prior to forking over the

Bill -flying -6A and moving to Dallas in a few weeks...
I'm about to purchase a Garmin 430 and haven't been able to
locate the update price on Garmin's website. Would one of you
430 owners kindly let me know;
The list price of the GNS-430w is $11,995, I think. I don't believe you can buy the non "W" version of the 430/530 anymore. Of course you as a homebuilder would NEVER pay list price. You can get them from Stein, Stark and even Vans offers it for
$7,775. Stark or Stein will probably have better price than Van's.
1) If we have to purchase 12 months of updates all at one time or
can we purchase an update for any month we desire, separately?
(I'm overseas 6 months out of the year and hate to waste 6
months of update costs)

2) What does Garmin charge for the updates (either annually or per
monthly update?)
Database updates are not purchased from Garmin, they are purchased from Jeppesen. Jeppesen offers various update plans but the "one Time Update" option is not cost effective if you get more than two updates per year. I get the East/Central USA WAAS update which cost $290/year. The same update, one time is $110. The Full USA yearly cost is $350, the one time cost is $120.

Once signed up for the NavData Internet update service, you can however easily change service at any time. For example, if you fly mostly in the east and have the East/Central service, you can change to the Full USA service for a month if you plan to fly cross country, or to the Americas service if you plan to fly to the Bahamas and then revert to the East/Central USA service when you get back. You would have to pay the entire initial price, but they would credit it back when you "downgrade" your service.
No wonder I couldn't find it at Garmin!

Okay, thanks for the info. There seems to be a number of
430's on the used market out there. Figured I'd just jump
on one of those. Your in-depth explanation of how the up-
dates are done is very much appreciated. I'll touch base
with Jepp, now.

Again, many thanks
..There seems to be a number of
430's on the used market out there. Figured I'd just jump
on one of those.
Make sure that the "used" 430 has the "W" upgrade or don't pay more than $2000~3000 for it. To upgrade it to a "W" will cost you another $3000. If you pay more than this, when you add the $3000 "W" upgrade cost, you could almost buy a brand new 430W.
Yep, William, that's a valid point and one that I will
definitely keep in mind before the purchase. Might
just end up with the "W" afterall.

NavData cost revisited

I see a post in this thread from 2007 quoting NavData prices for the Garmin 430 series navigators. What's the current price?

Current 430W Update Costs?

For those with Garmin 430W (WAAS) units:

I assume Jeppesen's annual Nav Data subscription, updated every 28 days, is still $370 for the U.S., correct?

Do you happen to know the annual Jeppesen Nav Data annual subscription cost for the Western U.S. only?

Do you happen to know if the Jeppesen Nav Data one-time U.S. update cost (technically good for only 28 days) is still $110?

Is there any time limit with respect to how long an individual update will remain accessible in the 430W although it has expired?

I apologize for asking these questions; Jeppesen's website is a nightmare, and I don't have the Jeppesen Services Update Manager (JSUM) software.

I'm at the point where I need to decide whether to purchase a Garmin 430W and go IFR with my RV-8A's panel, or not. It's not the one-time IFR avionics costs (EFIS, 430W, and 2-axis autopilot) that bother me, it's the continuing annual IFR database update costs, year-after-year, which seem to be the real hidden expenses with questionable value in an IFR panel unless you have a need to fly IFR most days. I don't have that need.

My 8A is going to be a mostly recreational, 50% local, 50% cross-country airplane with minor business use; maybe 20% at the most. My cross-country trips would be mainly, for example, from California/Arizona to Oshkosh, Arlington, LOE, Hicks (my mother lives in Keller), and the Pecan Plantation Fly-Ins! (. . . no pressing schedule, per se.) I'm thinking that a nice EFIS/GPS system with maybe an SL30 might be a better way to go rather than the 430W?


Thank You,

Bill Palmer :)
Chino Hills, CA
I just stopped by the Jeppeson booth at OSH yesterday to see if I would be able to get a discount (I can hear you all laughing....it's Jepp...) on a "second" subscription, since I now have a 430, and am going to have an additional 430W,and they use different databases. (The answer is "no" - no discounts...).

If I recall correctly, the 430 was $355/year, and the "W" was $370. I didn't see a line item for partial coverage, but I might not have noticed it.
430W Update Costs

Thank You, Paul

Hopefully, there's a less expensive Western-U.S.-only subscription or a one-time update option.

Let's see; Jeppesen takes free government data, massages it, and charges us at least 3 times what they should for updates; is that about right?!

Seems like the IFR database update market is wide open for a Jeppesen competitor!

Thanks Again,

Bill Palmer :)
Volume discount

I just stopped by the Jeppeson booth at OSH yesterday to see if I would be able to get a discount (I can hear you all laughing....it's Jepp...) on a "second" subscription, since I now have a 430, and am going to have an additional 430W,and they use different databases. (The answer is "no" - no discounts...).

I asked the same question. The only "discount" available was a free card programmer with an annual subscription. This normally costs $49 I think. An option that I have seen people do is pair up to get the multiple unit discount. Technically, I believe that both units should be in the same airplane but ....

Tom RV-7A N175TJ Flying