
Well Known Member
So, I have a new YIO-540 and it came from Lycoming with the standard preservation oil - no descidant plugs. In order to get the exhaust fitted and work on getting lines, hoses and wires in place and out of each other's way, the engine has to be "unpickled". Meaning the exhaust caps have to be removed, the bottom plugs removed and the crank rotated to push the preservation oil out. Once done, the exhaust can get fitted and hoses, and wires fitted, etc...

So now I'm wondering, how do I help prevent rust in the engine until I start flying? I've added the straight mineral oil to the sump but I'm wondering about all the other areas of air exposure. Can I just use some oil spray in the top plug holes and the induction port, or something else? What are others doing to protect the engine the last few months before flying once the engine has been opened up?

.....what if you are not planning to be done in a couple of months but more like a year or more...but the engine is hung...and you want to work on it...? (Consider this an addendum to the previous question :) )
Mine was in a heated and cooled shop after de-preserving. Then 6 weeks at the hanger before first flight with a 100 watt bulb beside exhaust and a blanket over cowl.

Keep engine temperature above air dewpoint temperature one way or another. Either heat the engine or dry the air. HVAC or dehumidifier. Now I just fly often and still use 100 watt bulb below 40F.
Lyc docs addressing this are at


FWIW - TCM addresses the subject at

There's also another thread at

When I faced this, I did as much as was practical and it seemed to work. I had my cylinders off at 97 hours (ECi group B replacement) so I could pretty much see inside the engine and there seemed to be no issues from corrosion.

Don't Overthink it though....

When we got to the point that we had to mount the exhaust on our latest project, we pulled the caps and moutned the exhaust. Same with the induction system. We kept dehydrator plugs installed until just before engine start, but mounted the prop months earlier. Not once did we need to turn the crank, so we never disturbed the cylinder preservation.

The first tie we turned the crank was to check the timing on the day we started the engine for the first time. The engine is doing great so far!
