
Well Known Member
I'm looking to practice and have some fun on grass, dirt, and gravel airstrips; basically unpaved. They seem to be quite rare in northern California.

If anyone has information on unpaved airstrips up here that are open to the public (or special permission just for me :D ), I'd like to hear about them. Would love to see things within 30 minutes for some weekday/evening flights.

I'm based near Sacramento: Yolo co (KDWA).

What I have so far, but haven't been to...yet:
- Frazier lake (1C9): 45 minutes to the south.
- Columbia (O22): 35 min to the south-east. the Grass runway is closed for now.
- Gravelly Valley (1Q5): 36 Min North-west.
- Monterey Bay Academy (CA66): 45 min south. Time and permission requirements/limits.
- Indian Valley (uncharted): 21 min NW. Few miles east of Indian valley Reservoir.

No longer in NorCal:
- Mercy Hot Springs (CN22): 53 min south. Ridiculously expensive camping($50/person, really?). requires permission.
- Avenal Gliderport (CA69): 1hr 15 min south. Permission required.
- Chicken Strip: 1hr 40min south-east. Bucket list item.
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Lake Pillsbury

It is long and gravel. Target practice on one end and boating on the other.

Eastern CA try saline Valley "The Chicken Strip" a bit more challenging. I've taken a C-150 and an RV4 in there with no problem(watch for wild Burros on the strip though.
Frazier Lake (1C9)

It's not a back country airport but Frazier Lake (1C9) near Hollister has a cool grass strip. Not much goes on there usually but landing on grass is cool. I haven't landed my 9A there but I used to take my Aeronca Sedan there years ago.

I've been to Gravelly Valley (1Q5) aka Lake Pillsbury years ago in my Aeronca. Back then it was VERY rough...and gravelly. I never had the urge to go back.
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CA66 - Monterey Bay Academy. On the edge of the Bay near Watsonville. It's private and no movements allowed on Saturdays, but you are allowed to fly in without prior permission, fill in a form when you arrive, make a donation and then you are free to come and go in the future.

Columbia O22 also has a good grass strip 11/29 with an interesting approach, but be aware of possible simultaneous use of the main runway.

Frazier Lake is good with open hangar day on first Saturdays.

As for the Chicken Strip, I'd advise removing wheel pants and checking on the current status.
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So far so good. I'll edit my first post and add things to the list.

I would hope there are a few more like CA66 - Monterey Bay Academy, that are private but have conditions that allow others to use it. Just can't tell if all I have to go by is circle with an R in it.

Gravelly valley seems like it might be a decent camping location as well. Might do a flyby soon.
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Note old style wheel pants on Mark Albery's 4

Mark has the old style robust wheel pants (suitable for gravel strips). Don't go in to Gravelly Valley or Chicken Strip with the new style pressure recovery pants. They will break. Don't ask me how I know repeatedly.

Mark probably see you at Inyo Kearn on Saturday

You'll find a whole load of strips at shortfield.com - open the map explorer.
But it seems to have very little additional contact numbers etc.
Maybe a good starting point for some googling.
Glider clubs

Try the local glider clubs. They usually have a data base of landable spots in their area which is more detailed than the FAA airport list. :)
Mark has the old style robust wheel pants (suitable for gravel strips). Don't go in to Gravelly Valley or Chicken Strip with the new style pressure recovery pants. They will break. Don't ask me how I know repeatedly.

Mark probably see you at Inyo Kearn on Saturday


Those wheel pants needed some repair after that trip!
That was several years and a couple of RVs ago. Last I heard the Chicken Strip was still closed pending repairs following the rains. Check with the Death Valley park service.

I think the Sweetwater strip is technically in Nevada, but it is pretty close to the border. South of Wellington in the Smith Valley, on the way to the hwy that runs east from Bridgeport lake. Its at 6800 ft. Its gravelly dirt. Nothing there. Would be a good place to start a hiking trip up Sweetwater Canyon onto the east side of Mt Patterson.
Mercy Hot Springs

I'm pretty sure Mercy Hot Springs encourages fly-ins. Call for runway conditions unless you can find an update on a forum. They are open for a soak in the hot springs. Bring your own food. I think when I last checked you also had to bring your own water (to drink -- the hot springs water is fine for soaking in but not drinking). I think you can even stay the night.
Avenal Gliderport

A nice long well-groomed dirt strip, (unless you find a squirel hole) within easy walk of town to get a sandwich or burrito. Check the website at soaravenal.com to see about radio frequency, I think they use 123.3 in the pattern now, but it might be multicom 122.95

I used to land there regularly with my wheel pants on.
I'm down for Gravelly Valley! Let's go camping.


I think the Sweetwater strip is technically in Nevada, but it is pretty close to the border. South of Wellington in the Smith Valley, on the way to the hwy that runs east from Bridgeport lake. Its at 6800 ft. Its gravelly dirt. Nothing there. Would be a good place to start a hiking trip up Sweetwater Canyon onto the east side of Mt Patterson.

That's charted as a military airport (USMC). Although, I'm not sure if anyone would ever know if you used it.
I think the Sweetwater strip is technically in Nevada, but it is pretty close to the border. South of Wellington in the Smith Valley, on the way to the hwy that runs east from Bridgeport lake. Its at 6800 ft. Its gravelly dirt. Nothing there. Would be a good place to start a hiking trip up Sweetwater Canyon onto the east side of Mt Patterson.

There is a phone number for Capt. Geisler here if you want to be legal. :)

It is marked as Private -


Yes it was originally built as a marine training strip. There was rumor at one time that it was built for training in preparation for the (foiled) rescue attempt in 1979-ish in Iran. I don't know that that is true, I'm just perpetuating the legend.

In any case, we use it routinely for gliders, including towing gliders out with towplanes. And, I know a number of people that have visited there in their Skywagons and cubs. I doubt very much that anyone in the military would ever know, let alone care.
If my previous job we used it to practice dust landings. I believe it is closed from April to August due to a specific migratory bird that nests in the area. At least we couldn't use it. The folks at the Marine Corp Mountain Warfare Center can tell you for sure.

The last time I landed there someone had driven a vehicle through it and left some pretty deep ruts. I believe the helio folks at Fallon have used it as well.
Well if you, or any pilot, have not been to Columbia (O22) go there anyway. The paved RW is fine, grass is great if open. Air tankers operate in fire season, be careful. The reason you want to go is that it is a short walk into "town", an "Old West" town. Now a state park. See link
http://www.visitcolumbiacalifornia.com/. Bring the kids, have a sarsasparilla. Good fun.
Those wheel pants needed some repair after that trip!
That was several years and a couple of RVs ago. Last I heard the Chicken Strip was still closed pending repairs following the rains. Check with the Death Valley park service.

The Chicken Strip got a bunch of work last September or so. Unless winter conditions closed it again it should be open.

Last I heard, Mercy is good too, though call to confirm.

Jeff if you want let's do a wheelpant removal session and go fly. I know of a couple strips to the west of us too, there is video on YouTube of a Mooney using one of them(!)
Crash at Mercey two week ago

I'm pretty sure Mercy Hot Springs encourages fly-ins. Call for runway conditions unless you can find an update on a forum. They are open for a soak in the hot springs. Bring your own food. I think when I last checked you also had to bring your own water (to drink -- the hot springs water is fine for soaking in but not drinking). I think you can even stay the night.

A Sonex landed short at Mercey two weeks ago. The pilot said ?It?s just a dirt strip, it?s not an airport, there?s no windsock. When I was coming in I could feel quite a bit of tail wind and some gusts. It was a strange strip and narrow and dirt, I got too slow. And there was a gust, and I lost altitude.? He came down just a few feet short of the runway and the nose wheel dug in. He is OK but the plane is probably totaled.

I took a flight over Indian Reservoir and Gravelly Friday evening. I'll edit a photo here when I can.
Gravelly looked pretty good, but no way I could tell if it was too rough or not.
Indian Reservoir looked too narrow for for a low wing. Lots of brush along the edges. Could have been the altitude though.

Jeff if you want let's do a wheelpant removal session and go fly. I know of a couple strips to the west of us too, there is video on YouTube of a Mooney using one of them(!)

Pants off party!
I'll need a way to keep the gear leg fairings on without the wheel pants; or if it's not too far, I could remove all the leg fairings. Unfortunately, this weekend is booked up with other stuff.



Indian Reservoir:

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Pants off party!
I'll need a way to keep the gear leg fairings on without the wheel pants; or if it's not too far, I could remove all the leg fairings. Unfortunately, this weekend is booked up with other stuff.

I'm not sure I've seen the Indian Reservoir strip. I was out of town this weekend myself, but maybe next? I have an idea for retaining the bottom end of the gear leg fairings if no one else chimes in.