
Well Known Member
This is on behalf of my cousin Tony who is not a member (yet) of this forum.

This had been a passion project for me. I have always wanted to put together a guide to WingX to help new and existing users, get the most out of WingX.

During a recent 6 week out of town work assignment ? I found I had the time in the evenings ? so what started as a good idea, quickly grew to the point where it is today.

At some point I have to raise the flag and say ?I am done? ? that day is today.

The link posted below is to a PDF file on Google Drive, it is to the first public release, but I expect there to be some revisions required once people read it and if possible make suggestions.

Feedback/comments can be sent to [email protected] or IM within this forum ? I welcome all corrections and suggestions

Hope you find it useful.


>> You can IM any comments to me and I will pass them on
Mods - if this is not allowed - please delete.

We have been approached on other forums about offering to pay something for the guide. This was not done for financial gain but if you feel it is worth something to you, with Thanksgiving and Christmas quickly approaching , please consider donating your money to one of the local Phoenix food banks. Lets add a bit of cheer to those less fortunate than ourselves.
Couple of items.

1. Thank you for all the feedback and support - we are just short of 300 unique downloads of our guide - so obviously the WingX user base felt a need for it. Anyone who has donated to the food bank, thank you as well.

2. Apparently according to someone at WingX, they are working on soon to be released 500+ page user guide - I for one, will not be holding my breath on that.
Version 2.1 is posted - This version includes details of the Android version of WingX, highlights both the differences and limitations between the two versions and introduces the recently added features on over laying approach plates over the moving map.