pierre smith

Well Known Member
I've got the hots to build a mid-wing unlimited acro airplane like an Extra 300. How many of you guys have one or flown one? What would you build in my case and why?

DR-107...the margin between this and the super machines is so small that only the top unlimited competitors could tell the difference. A friend with 700 hrs. in an Extra 300 bought one and he is missing nothing.
As Sandifer says, build a DR107 One Design, single seat low wing, fast, quick (+-10Gs, 360/sec roll). I did and loved it...outstanding performance. I think two projects are up for sale right now (at least in the last two weeks on Barnstormers). Another good buy is a nice Pitts S1S or S1C, but somewhat harder to land.

At 60+, I found that 20-30mins a couple of times a week is all I needed of acro...others couldn't get enough and there is always competition. YMMV.

In all cases get a good spin checkout from a real competent acro CFI. These planes can really confuse you in a spin, especially with inadvertant power or control inputs.
When I went acro school

I had a choice to fly the Zlin 242 or an S2C Pitts. I chose the Zlin cus its docile and and sort looks like an RV...although waay lower performance.

Anyway the real reason for not choosing the Pitts was Tony (Steve Wolf's shop manager) who said..."If you fly in the Pitts, you better make sure you have enough money to buy one!"

Hey, isn't this how I ended up with an RV and a huge hole on my wallet?....

Frank...even more convinced a 152 spins faster than my RV after last nights determination flight to really wind this thing up!...Nope..
Your choices are somewhat limited if you want to build it.

The G-202 kits are no longer in production, but the MX2 has somewhat taken it's place. The DR-109 is also an option, but I don't if you can still get plans for it - Anyone know? The Panzl (Studaucher) is single-place, so that won't fit your needs either.

Bottom line is, other than the MX2 there really aren't many choices in a 2-place unlimited level mono-wing homebuilt aircraft. Someone correct me if I am wrong. There is also the Pitts Model-12 -- it isn't a mono-plane, but it does have a really cool round engine up front. :D
If you can make it out to Las Vegas, Craig at The Aerobatic Experience runs a class act with a gorgeous couple of Extra 300s. You can probably fly with fellow RVer/USAF Aggressor/Southwest Capt "Dula" Dulaney if the timing's right. http://aerobaticexperience.com/ (I make no money from that business, but am friends with the dudes.) The Extra flies great.

I say forget about giving your friends rides & get an Edge540. Good clean fun. Nothing wrong with acro in an RV either...just can't do unlimited level stuff.
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I Have the Best DR107 One Design For Sale

Noticed the DR107 was mentioned in this thread.
My One Design is for sale to make room for the RV9A that should be flying by the end of the year.
With the package I have in my One Design, performance is not much less that an Extra. You will notice the difference at the fuel pump.
At competition setting, I burn 18gph, the Extra will be 27gph, yet I can cruise at 7.9gph and close to 200 mph.
[email protected]