
Well Known Member
Universal Fuelhawk Calibration

Does anyone have a set of calibration numbers for an RV-9A and a universal Fuelhawk measuring stick they would want to share? I calibrated mine only up to 14 gallons when I calibrated my DYNON EMS and now wish I would have gone all the way to a full tank since the last 3 or 4 gallons are not linear on the measuring stick.
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I have an Excel file based on litres and mm from the tank bottom all the way to full. It'll certainly do what you want, though with a tiny bit of working out to do. PM me your email address and I'll email it over.

Thanks to Dave Boxall for providing the calibration numbers even though they were in milimeters and liters :( I converted the values to universal Fuelhawk increments and gallons and then made the following chart, anyone else using the universal Fuelhawk on a 9A may want to get a copy of this chart since it should be the same for all 9A's.

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Hi everyone specially Mr Dave_Boxall,
Just got the mentioned item and wish to receive the Excel file based on litres for my RV9a, if possible.
Here's a photo

Here's a photo of the results. I'm on holiday & it's all I have access to at the moment.

I hope this helps!



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