
Active Member
Sadly I have to report a very distasteful experience dealing with a custom engine builder. If you'd like to read about my bad experience with AvWorks, Inc., please go to my website . You can PM me about it here or email me through my website if you wish.
Checked out your website. Sounds like a bad deal. Let us know how it progresses.

I think I met you once at an airport in central IN. Did you have a Citabria that was burned in a hangar fire?

Ouch! I read your stuff and that really sucks. Forgive me for being uninformed about such things, but is there any way you can file a civil lawsuit against this guy?
Wow...I'm so sorry to hear about your problems.

I have to say that I had the exact opposite experience with Superior regarding my XP-360. I had a $1000.00 deposit on the engine and they called me and told me the engine was ready. "Ok, I'll overnight you a cashiers check so you can ship it out ASAP".

I was quite surprised by the response, "No, don't go through the trouble. Just drop a personal check in the mail and we'll ship your engine tomorrow." I was absolutely floored that someone would ship me > $20K worth of merchandise without guaranteed payment.

Again...sorry to hear about your problems. The best you can do is what you're doing others from getting screwed too. You're much nicer than I am though. I would have forwarded the info to the AG anyway. :p
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Sounds Familiar

Wow, sounds frighteningly like my experience with a Canadian alternative engine company. Many got hosed by them. At least you are dealing with an American company and the American legal system.

Trying to deal with the legal issues in Canada were a total nightmare. Both with the process and the expense. They really protect their own.

There are lots of good Canadians out there but because of the potential issues in the event of a dispute I WILL NEVER PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM A CANADIAN COMPANY AGAIN. I have purchased and sold items to private parties without issue.

Sounds strong, but I went through 3 years of mental and financial **** with this company, nearly forcing me to abandon the project.

Do your homework.
RV7Guy said:
There are lots of good Canadians out there but because of the potential issues in the event of a dispute I WILL NEVER PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM A CANADIAN COMPANY AGAIN.

Do your homework.
That is a pretty broad brush to use. I certainly agree with your last comment, but I wouldn't write off entire nation's business community (especially your country's biggest trading partner) on the experience with one company. Look at the positive experiences RV people are having with Bart Lalonde out at Aerosport power in Kamloops, BC.

OK, I'm off my soapbox now :)
Engine Builders

I'll add my appreciation to the great service from AeroSport as well. Sent a personal check and the engine shipped. I couldn't be happier with the service so far. They were even about a week ahead of schedule on delivery.

I sure think that if you stick with the bigger engine dealers, you're on pretty safe ground.

No issues with Aerosport

I may have painted with a wide brush but, as noted, in the event of a legal problem you're pretty well up the creek.

I spoke with Aerosport when I was engine shopping. Although well respected, I could see no reason to not buy American. You don't get hit with Customs charges and State sales tax when Customs forwards the info to your States Department of Revenue.

If you had to go through what I and many others went through, you'd understand my reluctance. Again, private sales through individuals have been fine.

I'm sticking with American companies and distributors.
Bart and Sue of Aerosport are great to work with....

That is were I got my engine, and would get my next one from them.

Yep, don't feel too bad you did not see it coming

Don't forget about Mattituck.

It could have been worse. You could have got a dangerous engine that failed in flight and left you in worse shape. Its probably for the best you move on and try to recover you money as best possible.

I like the idea of giving a small engine builder or local guy a go, but............. you are better off with an established, known, larger company, like the two mentioned in this thread. If you do have a problem, you'll likely have more recourse.

In aviation I tend to trust more than other type businesses. Aviation people usually never let down, but.................. :( Sorry, thanks for posting, hurts and no fun. At least you may have helped others avoid problems. You might take some comfort in that.
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Aerosport engine/customer service

The service from Aerosport is outstanding.Needed a spacer for oil filter,they shipped it asap , needed four carb mounting bolts,they shipped them asap, no charge .
The engine builder that Matt has problems with talks a big story and sounds like he's doing all these fabulous things. Turns out he's a snake oil salesman. He's still doing engines so someone is buying from him.
RV7Guy said:
I may have painted with a wide brush but, as noted, in the event of a legal problem you're pretty well up the creek.


I'm sticking with American companies and distributors.
Even if you go with an American company, it can be very, very expensive to sue, as I understand it. You'd probably spend way more than $10,000 in legal fees, if the other guy tries to run you out of money.

It is far better to go with a company with a proven track record of delivering what they promised, and with few unhappy customers, and not worry so much about where they are based.
Aerosport Power Rocks!

My Aerosport Power engine was assembled in Canada using almost 100% American parts, and as such was not subject to any appreciable Customs fees, nor (at least in Texas) any state sales tax issues. When I decided to change out my vertical induction sump for a forward facing one, Sue offered me full credit for the old parts, sent me thousands of dollars worth of new parts, and told me to just pay the difference when I sent back the old parts. There are certainly plenty of great shops to choose from, but there's no way you're going to get better treatment or better customer service than that from Aerosport Power. Bart and Sue exemplify the best that's to be had in business and human behavior. Did I mention that I like these guys a lot? :p
some people....

Man some people these days.... Gone are the days of doing business on a handshake.

It sounds to me this guy has no honor or respect. If I were you I'd be driving down to his place to demand my hard earned cash back in person. It's one thing to lie to you via e-mail. But in person is a whole nother story. At least then you can see if he has an actual shop building real engines not makebelive ones.

I knew a guy who had a great system to collect money from companies who owed him money. He'd hire nome big old nasty looking guy from a day labor place to go the companies office and sit there all day long. He wouldn't say anything... just sit there all day waiting for the check. LOL I can see where that would be fun. Maybe not the best legal move, but fun. :)
Mattituck rocks!

Sorry to hear about Doc's experience - sounds absolutely horrible. Enough of us are stretching to afford this stuff anyway.

Since folks are also providing some positive feedback here - hopefully for the benefit of those about to buy an engine - Mattituck has been great. They delivered my TMX-IO-360 exactly when they said they would. When I first ordered they were a bit backlogged and told me that right up front and they didn't blow roses at me on the date and told me exactly when it would be ready and sure enough - it was.

Because I am on the east coast (VA) they were able to deliver it using their own personnel and unlike a trucking company, this guy even brought his own lift - I already had one, but still was nice to see them thinking about details.

They also delivered it before my check was cashed, which also impressed me.

Despite not springing the extra bucks for the Red Gold balancing options, I still got a silky smooth engine. I've had a couple of A&P friends ride as GIB's and comment on how smooth it is.

Found a bad sump screen on my first oil change (was a bit twisted from initial install) and they shipped a new one for delivery that same week.

Every time I called with a question or to check on status, they got back to me in about 24 hours.

Highly recommend Mattituck and will go there again for my next project.

gmcjetpilot said:
Don't forget about Mattituck.

I like the idea of giving a small engine builder or local guy a go, but............. you are better off with an established, known, larger company, like the two mentioned in this thread. If you do have a problem, you'll likely have more recourse.

BARRETT / BPA In Tulsa, OK gets my vote. I've dealt with them and they are down to earth GOOD people!
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Proud Canadian Too...

Paul Tuttle said:
Gee... That's too bad Darwin . I was hoping I could sell you a painting of your airplane :D

Touch? mon ami. In a coupla years, I'll fly up for some formation pics of your bird as subject for a painting (or of mine... even better), and I won't worry about the fact that you're Canadian.

P.S. I've lived and worked in both countries. They are both great.
nothing wrong with Canadians but

why send your money to another country for American parts when the manufacturer of those parts will assemble them for you? or BPE (super nice folks btw).or ten dozen other good shops. superior was cheaper than aerosport and then superior sent me a $1200 check because my engine was delivered during the oshkosh special. :D
Individuals fine!!

Paul Tuttle said:
Gee... That's too bad Darwin . I was hoping I could sell you a painting of your airplane :D

Hi Paul,

As I noted, I have bought and sold many things to 'Individuals' in Canada without issue. Mostly RC stuff. I have many terrific Canadian friends.

Also, if you knew the full story of what I went through you'd understand why I will go with a US company if that is a viable option.

What do you need to do a painting of my aircraft. Let me know.
RV7Guy said:
Hi Paul,

As I noted, I have bought and sold many things to 'Individuals' in Canada without issue. Mostly RC stuff. I have many terrific Canadian friends.

Also, if you knew the full story of what I went through you'd understand why I will go with a US company if that is a viable option.

What do you need to do a painting of my aircraft. Let me know.

Don?t Worry Darwin, I?m not offended. I?ve had my share of issues with companies on both side of the border. The truth be known my ancestors came from New York, why I even cheer for the New England Patriots .
The guy I got my engine from lives just up the road, he?s a stand up guy and his service is second to none. He sells a lot of engines in the Eastern U.S. I guess one has to check out reputation and track record no matter where you are.
cytoxin said:
why send your money to another country for American parts when the manufacturer of those parts will assemble them for you? or BPE (super nice folks btw).or ten dozen other good shops. superior was cheaper than aerosport and then superior sent me a $1200 check because my engine was delivered during the oshkosh special. :D

I thought Superior was owned by a German company? Not that there's anything wrong with that.