Well Known Member
Today, while helping my son work on a Bellanca Cruisemaster he bought at Arlington (AWO) I slipped away to walk the hangar rows....(the dog needed a walk ;) )
I came across an RV-8 and it's owner Tom S. He has 11 whole hours on his ship, and boy was he enthusiastic!!
Soon his friend Bill came by, he's waiting for the FAA sign off so he can do the 'First Flight' with his RV-8.
I poured over Tom's ship, looking at the spots where I'm currently working, asking questions and listening to his advise, as well as aircraft performance numbers.
Most important was his overarching excitement, this plane took 10 years to build, including a move half way across the country!
I've just installed my wings for the first time, now I've got them off and installed all those plate nuts and the tank attach bracket. I'm picking up speed and I really do see an airplane when I go out to the garage to work on it some more.
I generally work alone. But being a member of a local EAA Chapter (326) and visiting some builders is very helpful in keeping 'on track'! :)