I am using an Airmaster variable pitch prop (VPP) and a question came up during Phase I planning which I did not have a good answer for.

Essentially, normally with a VPP one would know current power output of the engine as a point in a performance chart using MAP. For instance, this one for an IO-360:

However, AFAIK, no one seems to have a MAP-based performance chart to judge power output separate from RPM for ULPower engines. UL only has issued performance charts using RPM, and as such, they are not overly useful for knowing power output when using a VPP, AFAIK.


1) How would you suggest estimating power output and power settings in this scenario with the VPP?
2) UL requires the engine be operated under 2800 RPM for the first 10 hours. If the latter, then how is the power output setting determined when using a VPP?
3) Anyone have experience with ULPower and VPPs for which they can provide some thoughts and experience?