
Well Known Member
Sorry for another UHMW thread, but could not find an appropriate answer.

The tip up has the entry latch sandwiched between a couple of angles with UHMW tape on each side for smooth action. My latch picked up the edge of the adhesive and peeled the tape into the action. With lots of patience and time the tape and adhesive residue was removed and some UHMW tape on hand was used as replacement. Sadly, a few passes and the adhesive seems to be getting picked up again. I cleaned the edge with naphtha so the cut edge was not sticky??

Is there a trick, or do I have some bad tape (it is 10+ years old)??

Is UHMW tape being used in the latch successfully? I know of one that is.

I would use the teflon tape from Spruce but it is $46 and I have no use for the remaining 195".
Additional Information - update.

While it takes some time to soak in to get some responses, I did a little experiment. I took a test piece and cut a section with sharp scissors. Applied it to a piece of double strength window glass. Then took the heel of a 5/16" diameter X-Acto knife and held it perpendicular to the glass and pressed while sliding 70% over the edges. The glass is not that strong, so it could not be pressed hard. Maybe 20 cycles.

Note how the adhesive was extruded out and pulled up on top of the UHMW.

I will get some new tape from Vans and it it fails the same test, then other solutions will be sought. It is a real pain to get that adhesive out of that narrow gap where the w-607 fits. Even a q-tip is tight.

I have small quantities of two different kinds of UHMW tape .... leftovers from other uses. I'm sure can figure out some way to get them in your hands. (Hmmmm .... airdrop at Horseshoe Lake? ;))