
Well Known Member
Hi All,

Just want to inquire if this is common for uAvionix tech support:
My Echo ADSB unit possibly died so I contacted uAvionix tech support via email, described my issue in very details, got immediate auto-reply with ticket number and after that.. quiet. After two days someone with name Lou got back to me from their tech support with only 5 words sentence asking What type of GPS do I use :rolleyes:
I again replied in very details and since then no more communication from them to my side for past days. I re-sent them another email yesterday. Not sure if this is common and I just have to wait... :confused:
My experience with uAvionix re: depends on your avionics knowledge base. If you know what you're talking about, especially if you put the unit in, they'll chat with you all day. If you're not up on your avionics game, they tend to lose patience and interest rather quickly.
Uavionix has not responded to me.

I had to leave my RV8 out overnight in the rain a couple of weeks ago and the next day my tail beacon had water in it. Obviously not working so I emailed support and got an automated response instructing me to open a ticket on their support system. Did that the same day and got an automated response saying they would get back to me in 2-4 business days. 7 business days later I emailed them again and got another automated response with a ticket number and a promise to get back to me in 2 business days. That time has passed and I still haven't heard from them. If anyone has any ideas on how to get my unit fixed I'd appreciate it.
Maybe at the BIG air show

I’d suspect the possibility is that they are at the BIG air show. The one happening right now in Oshkosh Wisconsin.;)