vic syracuse

Well Known Member
So the first time I saw this I thought it was just an aberration. Now, we have seen a couple of more so I figured I should point it out.

For those of you installing the uavionix tail beacon please note that it does not have a strobe function, so if your RV has the recessed wing tip lighting you can not replace the nav/strobe light on the tail with the tail beacon, as you will no longer be night legal, UNLESS of course you happen to have a beacon/strobe on top of the vertical fin or some other combination, such as a beacon or strobe on top and bottom of the fuselage.

The strobes have to be visible from the rear of the aircraft as well. The Aircraft Spruce catalog has a great diagram on the lighting requirements.

Yes, we fly experimental aircraft, but if flown at night or on instruments they have to meet the same requirements to fly in the national airspace.

I stead of mounting it on the wing tip, or the tail, has anyone installed an ADSB inside the FG wingtip and remove the bulb since it would not be needed inside there.?

rumour has it...

I hear the Glastar/Sportsman gang are mounting them in the rear (fibreglas) fuselage, and just leaving the light on....just for a nite lite?
not much fear of heat buildup in that space, but I can see wingtip installs with 'lites out!'
Have installed tail beacons inside tail cones and wing tips in certified planes. Worked perfect and uAvionics sees no problem doing this.