
Well Known Member
Became a dealer under their Qualified Installer Program and have 3 of the wingtip units in operation so far with more on the way including a tailBeacon. All 3 working as advertised with no issues. Each install was slightly different, but nothing really difficult or complicated. Did my Pacer first 4 months ago.

Don Broussard
RV9 Rebuild in Progress
57 Pacer
Became a dealer under their Qualified Installer Program and have 3 of the wingtip units in operation so far with more on the way including a tailBeacon. All 3 working as advertised with no issues. Each install was slightly different, but nothing really difficult or complicated. Did my Pacer first 4 months ago.

Don Broussard
RV9 Rebuild in Progress
57 Pacer

Excellent! How about the internal box units? Are they available for install? Can you come by and install at my place? : )
Good question. My favorite uAvionix product for EAB aircraft is the Echo+SkyFX-EXT package. At just over $1300 for a complaint In and Out ADS-B including antennas it is very economical. And it works great (same thing as the Beacons including programming app). The Echo is about the size of two small matchboxes and doesn't involve disturbing strobe lights, power packs, crawling into the tail cone or rudder balance. Just install the Echo near the location of the included belly antenna and put the SkyFX-EXT integral GPS/antenna combo under the cowl on the typical RV antenna shelf. Skip any serial interface to digital transponders and instead use the wireless sniffing just like the Beacons do. We too are uAvionix qualified installers. I have installed all these and the Echo is not much more work than a Beacon to install, marketing hype aside. And you get ADS-B 'In" included with the Echo. What's not to like?

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Replaced Navworx with Echo+Skyfx -- works great

Three of the RV neighbors each replaced our Navworx boxes with Echo+SkyFx (or Skyfx-EX) -- hardwired to our screens (AFS and GRT) using existing Navworx wiring (uavionix supplied the conversion harness). As said, before, very small boxes and easy installation. uavionix has been great to work with.

Am about to install my uavionix echo all in one early next week and am anticipating a couple questions. Am I correct that switching in and out of anonymous mode is done through the mobile app rather than a mechanical switch as on the Garmin? If so does the adsb out stay in the last mode used for subsequent flights or does it default back to the full identification mode?
Am about to install my uavionix echo all in one early next week and am anticipating a couple questions. Am I correct that switching in and out of anonymous mode is done through the mobile app rather than a mechanical switch as on the Garmin? If so does the adsb out stay in the last mode used for subsequent flights or does it default back to the full identification mode?
The switch does nothing anyways. They can and have tracked aircraft after they go anon because you dont dissapear. The only way to be anonymous is to have the whole thing start in anonymous mode and never be out of it, which requires the serial wire.
If you really want to understand it call uavionix.
So I have one of the Echo+SafeFlyw2020 units and I am ready to install it. Just wondering where the best place to install the small box and antenna is. Has anyone done this on a 6A?
The switch does nothing anyways. They can and have tracked aircraft after they go anon because you dont dissapear. The only way to be anonymous is to have the whole thing start in anonymous mode and never be out of it, which requires the serial wire.
If you really want to understand it call uavionix.

I have never heard the definition of "anonymous" to mean "invisible". Never has never will. Anonymous mode is not invisible and it never ceases to amaze me how the uninitiated think it does. An aircraft squawk UAT anonymous is completely viable and cooperating with the system. All anonymous mode does is mask the N number and owner information. Everyone else can still see you and avoid you with all speed and altitude parameters. And not even the feds can decipher the randomized ICAO code generated internally by the onboard unit when anonymous is enabled.

With respect to tracking. There is no change between current Mode A/C operations and anonymous UAT. Once you squawk a discreet code you are in the system, even if you cancel services and squawk VFR. True with Mode A/C. True with anonymous ADS-B. UAT anonymous capability is only available when squawking VFR and any other squawk disables it regardless of the setting. From these points forward your tracked target has history. Nothing new here.

So if you elect to set anonymous mode in your Echo to "on" using the uAvionix app you will always have anonymous mode on when squawking VFR. Serial wire or not. Unless there has been a firmware change since the last one I installed that setting stays until you decide to change it back. Currently the only reason to disable anonymous mode would be if flying on a VFR flight plan without radar services. It might also be a good idea if heading into a busy Class B or C to turn off anonymous a while before making contact in order to allow them to identify your target quicker.

There have been some changes made to both Garmin and uAvionix software to clean up initial start up anonymous mode as some have non-anoymous mode until receiving GPS position. There have been many threads on this. So maybe the serial wire comment is referring to that.

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So I have one of the Echo+SafeFlyw2020 units and I am ready to install it. Just wondering where the best place to install the small box and antenna is. Has anyone done this on a 6A?

If you are not linking to a EFIS of any sorts, power and ground and mount the adsb antenna where it has a clear shot down, GPS antenna clear shot up. Naturally put a circuit breaker in. The unit has some lights that you may want to refer too in troubleshooting, but I did not find that to be true. Setup is via app. Done, go fly. If you are challenged with putting adsb antenna 3 feet away from any other, I have not had issue with mine 2 feet from comm antenna. Not ideal, but seems to work since March this way.

Excellent! How about the internal box units? Are they available for install? Can you come by and install at my place? : )

So far I haven?t dealt with any of the boxes. I?m trying to not be in the install business. I?m happy to help and provide tech support.

Don B
ADS-B installer near Boulder Colorado?

I just bought an RV-4, work out of town a lot and need to find a local installer within a reasonable distance. Know anyone? 605RV